16 🦖

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I took the boys out of the hotel to the triangular building I was earlier that I still don't know the name. Since it is very noticeable from other buildings, let's just call it the headquarters even though it isn't.

I noticed that Gray was way more excited than Zach as I showed them around. Of course, I didn't spoil them with the coolest attractions such as the Mosasaur, zip line (let's pretend there's one. Idk if there is), and gyrospheres.

Every now and then, actually, almost all the time, Zach would take out his phone to either text or play a game. Not that I really care what he is doing but I think he should be more excited about being in a park with love dinosaurs. Speaking of dinosaurs, I wonder how Levi is doing.

"This is so cool!" Gray cheered looking at some Compsognathus fighting with each other behind a glass wall. "Zach look at them! Look at how they fight!" Gray tugs his brother's sleeve while pointing at the fighting dinosaurs.

"Yeah sure," Zach says in a bored tone not looking up from his phone. I glare at his phone and think of an idea. Working here for a few months got me some friends from the monitoring room, one of them being Lowery. He took care of information, data, park status like people in the lost and found; yes, that's a thing here, people with heat strokes, even the WiFi or cell phone network.

This means he can control if a phone can make a connection with the internet or make calls to the mainland.

"If you keep using your phone I'll have one of my friends in the control room to block your IP, and it will turn into a glass and metal square," I say in a smug tone looking at Zach who looked at me with a disbelief face.

"You can't do that," He says shaking his head and looking back to his phone.

"Oh, I can and I will. And you won't be able to use it until you leave the island," I say giving him a knowing look. "It's either enjoy your stay, how long it may be, with or without a working phone."

He glares at me for a second before tucking his phone in his pocket and turning his attention to his brother. I smile to myself in victory and for how happy Gray now is.

"Are there any cool dinosaurs here?" Zach asks not really interested, just wanting to sound like it.

"Every dinosaur is cool in their own way, but they're the most famous ones here of course. Like Raptors, a T-Rex, tons of Gallimimus, a Mosasaur, and... the dinosaur I'm taking care of," I smile while I talk as I saw Gray's eyes lit up as I listed each different dinosaur.

"Raptors!? That's so awesome! Where can I see them?" Gray grins excitedly looking all over the place.

"They aren't open to the public, unfortunately," I say seeing some of the lights in Gray's eyes fade. "But the others are. You can see them tomorrow, I don't want to spoil all the fun on your first day," I smile again trying to cheer him as I ruffle his hair.

"What is the dinosaur you take care is like?" Zach asks with curiosity.

"I can't tell you much; it's too secret you see. So I won't tell you his appearance other than he is big, has sharp claws, and pointy teeth, They both stare at me waiting for more. "As I said, he is a carnivore, so this means he is very aggressive and dangerous," They look at me with curiosity and worry.

"Did he hurt you?" I looked at Zach with surprise at his worrying tone.

"He bit me once when he was small thankfully. If it were now I sure would be eaten," I show them the bite mark on my forearm. They healed completely, but the scar is still left. I don't hate him for it, of course, it hurt like hell when he bit me, but I don't think the scars are any ugly. I think they are a cool way to show that I handled a dinosaur. Not trying to objectify Levi in any way of you understand me.

The Indominus Rex and A Girl ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя