Would that be a deal breaker with Vicky? Maybe she didn't like scarred guys.

Add to that he was a pretty big asshole to her. Led her on... used her to get to her father...

But it hadn't started off that way...he'd loved her ever since they'd met all those years ago. He never thought they would ever have a chance to be together. But fate had plans for them and she had sought him out, she kissed him, she was dating him, she liked him.

They could have been together if only he hadn't been such an idiot. He had been so blinded by the desire for revenge against Gavin Walter's he'd thrown everything else away.

He'd gained absolutely nothing, Gavin was still at large, he'd almost got Vicky's Dad killed and for all he knew Vicky would never forgive him.

He shut his eyes and tried to extinguish the anguish in his heart.He wished he hadn't turned away the nurses. Now would be great time for a shot of painkillers to help him forget it all. He hated himself, hated his life, hated how things had turned out.

"Levi?" asked a soft voice, concern etching every syllable.

The feminine voice was pleasant against his ear and sounded very much like the girl he wished he'd never hurt. He prudishly kept his eyes closed.

"Hey Levi," she said whispering against his ear, sending goosebumps down his spine. He  turned his head away.

"Hey." he said hoarsely, eyes still tightly shut.

"Won't you look at me?" she asked innocently.

"Can you see the scar on my face?" he asked.

"Yes, does it hurt? Are you in pain, I'll call the nurse---" gushed Vicky.

He lifted his eyelashes and caught her soft brown eyes with his own.

"It doesn't hurt." he said quietly. "Is the old man okay?"

"He's going to be alright." said Vicky in a low voice. "Thank you for saving him."

"I'm sorry I put him in harms way in the first place." he said remorsefully. "Do you hate me?"

There was a long pause in which Vicky stared curiously at Levi, her expression revealing nothing he was restless to know.

"I can never hate you Levi." she said with a lopsided smile. "Maybe one day you could tell me why you did what you did and if what we had was at least something."

"It was more than something." said Levi huskily, anguish lacing his iris. "I'm sorry Vicky. I wasn't ready for you. All I wanted was to get back at Gavin Walters, to destroy him. I didn't think, didn't realize what I was throwing away. I am so sorry. I hope you will forgive me someday, I understand if you don't."

"What were you throwing away?" asked Vicky looking down at her lap and twiddling her fingers.

"What we could have been. I--- I fell in love with you when we were ten. I thought I was over you when you showed up again. But I couldn't have been more wrong. If anything, I fell harder for you this time. If I could go back in time and do things differently, I would." he said fully expecting a volatile reaction from Vicky.

There was a small pause again, as Vicky continued to avoid eye contact. When she finally looked up, she was smiling, looking hopeful.

"Do you want to try once more?" she asked nervously. "Meet again, and restart?"

"What about the bastard who hurt the old man?" asked Levi unable to process what Vicky was suggesting.

"We leave it to the professionals." she said firmly. "We are kids and that's how we should be. If something happened to you Levi, do you know how devastated your mom would be?"

He winced. "She doesn't know, right?"

"Not yet." said Vicky. "But she will need to be informed when you are ready to be discharged."

Levi nodded. He didn't want to hurt those he loved ever again.

"Vicky," he said taking her hand in his own. "As much as I'd like to be with you again, you deserve better---"

But she was already kissing him, soft and sweet on the cheek where his dimple formed.

"You'll do." she said stroking the thin scar by the side of his face.

He grinned sheepishly before speaking again.

"Guess my looks are ruined eh?" he said somewhat hesitantly, as though even though he knew he was scarred, he was still afraid that Vicky would agree.

"Not really." said Vicky raising her left eyebrow and pointed to her own face. "But this expression may be difficult for you to keep in the next few weeks. How did you burn off the entire eyebrow anyway?"

"I'm talking about the scar---" corrected Levi.

"I know." said Vicky.

"It won't go away." he clarified.

"I know." she said.


She kissed him chastely on the mouth and smiled.

"Listen to the nurses." she said sternly. "And take your medicines on time."

Levi beamed at her. Inside his head he was dancing, prancing, doing the waltz. Good Lord, not only had Vicky forgiven him, she had kissed him and even agreed to give him another chance.

"I will."

She grinned and he knew in his heart of hearts that if he was ever the cause of her tears again, he would rather it be because of sheer joy alone.


Happy Valentines Week everyone!

What do you think of Levi and Vicky's reunion?

Also how funny were the nurses?

I'm still single, but I'm feeling better about it this year. The guy I had a crush on since forever, just posted a picture with his new girlfriend, but GUESS WHAT? I felt nothing! I like this feeling of not being hurt about things beyond my control.

Hope you are all doing well! Thanks for reading.

Lots of love,


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