"You're only worried because of my hold over you," he said while he continued staring at our hands.

"No, I wouldn't want anyone to sleep in this awful place." I denied his accusation.

He chuckled. "But you guys had no problem locking me up in here when I had a tail," he countered bitterly. I felt guilt wash over me as I remembered him being locked up.

"That was... different. You were a siren, and we were scared of you. We didn't know what you might do. Fear makes people do stupid things. But even then, I didn't like seeing you in here," I explained quietly.

He held my gaze and frowned. "You should still be scared of me."

"Why? One minute you're telling me to trust you and listen to your advice, and the next you're telling me to be scared of you. Which do you want Jimin?" As I asked this, he let go of my hand.

"Just forget it," he mumbled as he started getting to his feet. I followed his actions and stood up with him.

"Can you just stop being so confusing and vague all the time? You won't tell me why I have this strange connection to you, you won't tell me why I shouldn't be with Yoongi, and you won't tell me why I should be scared of you. I swear, you're going to drive me insane."

He looked at me with a neutral expression. "I don't owe you any answers."

"Fine. Then I don't owe it to you to stay away from Yoongi," I replied stubbornly.

We stared each other down. I could see how annoyed he was with my response, and it almost seemed like he was debating whether to give me some answers or not.

"Why did you come looking for me in the first place?" He crossed his arms, making it clear that he wasn't going to offer any of the information I wanted.

"I was going to ask you why you think it's so important for me to stay away from him, but clearly you aren't going to tell me."

"You're right."

I sighed at his reply even though I was expecting it. "Come with me."

He raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"To find you a better place to sleep."

"Why would you do that when you're upset with me?"

"I may be frustrated with you but I'm still not going to let you sleep in this awful room."

"It's fine, Katherine. I'm a siren, I'm used to being wet and cold. I literally lived in the ocean."

"But you're not fully siren anymore, right? You're becoming more human, which means you're more likely to get sick from these kinds of conditions. So I'm finding you somewhere better."

"You don't have to—"

"I'm not taking no for an answer, fish fry." As I said this, a grin spread across his face.

"Fish fry?" he asked in amusement.

"Yes, fish fry." Before he could say anything else, I grabbed his hand and led him up to the deck with me.

I took Jimin to a small storage hold that was in the floor. Lifting the door up, I rummaged through the different items until I found a thick fishnet that we never used. It was long and sturdy.

"You planning on trapping me again, kitten? Hate to break it to you, but I'm already your prisoner," Jimin smirked at me when I straightened up.

I shook my head. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

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