Princess in the tower II

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Chapter 2 - Loki

The Alfheim king and queen are waiting for them on the other side, seemingly not having aged a bit since the last time Thor and Loki saw them. Queen Anarya is famous for her beauty and she ages with a grace that has no likeness in all of the realms. She kisses Loki on both cheeks, after having done the same to Thor. "You boys have grown so big! I hardly recognised you," she says fondly, putting her hand on Loki's cheek. "The kids will be so happy to see you again!"

Yet it's certainly not a couple of kids that are waiting for them at the palace. Brann, the eldest, is easily as big as Thor, his long chestnut coloured hair hanging down his back in a thick braid, freeing his pointed ears. The boys only put their hands out at first, but familiarity wins and the handshake turns into a sturdy hug with pats on the back. Brann's younger brother Ulf, twin to their sister, has a lighter build than his brother, though Loki can feel the strength in his arms when they reach around his shoulders to pat him firmly on the back. Like Brann, Ulf has braided his hair back, his has the reddish glow that the queen passed down to her two youngest children.

"Good to see you guys, man," Ulf says welcomingly. "It's been too long!"

Thor gives the Light Elf's shoulder a friendly bump. "Yes, at least you are still easy to recognise, you haven't grown an inch!"

It's not true of course, although Ulf was a lanky kid when they were young and he didn't grow as much as his older brother, he just filled out more.
"Where's your sister?" Thor informs cheerily after evading a playful jab to his stomach from Ulf.

Loki has already spotted the sister, currently being hugged and greeted by the Allmother. When Frigga lets go, Loki sucks in his breath. The princess is no longer the gangly girl from earlier; just like her brother she has filled out, in all the right ways. Her strawberry blond hair is alive in the afternoon light, catching the rays of sun that come in through the large windows of the palace. She's wearing a sage green gown, fitting nicely without showing her curves off too much.

Just when Loki is over his initial surprise and wants to go over, Thor stomps past him to stop short in front of the girl. He gives her a graceful bow, though his message and voice aren't as formal. "Ylva, how good to see you again! I see you are still the better looking one of the three of you."

Ylva smiles broadly and steps forward into Thor's open arms for a short hug. "And you are still as charming as ever," she says jokingly.

Then she turns to Loki, who is still watching her with ill-hidden awe. He breaks his stare when he catches her eyes: big, blue and with a hint of insecurity. A soft, nervous chuckle escapes the princess before she steps a little closer, meaning to welcome Loki like she did with his brother.

However, Loki chooses to bow too, taking her hand lightly in his and pressing a featherlight kiss to her fingers. There are a million things he wants to say, but considering how their parents have moved closer to the reunion of their children, he settles for a more common nicety.

"You are becoming as beautiful as your mother, lady Ylva," he offers kindly, slowly letting go of her hand, maybe just a bit too slow.

"And you talk as smooth as your mother," the princess counters wittily, as if her cheeks aren't dusted with a soft pink as she gathers her hands back in front of her.

Loki can't help but think that blush is because of him, which is flattering and strangely unsettling at the same time.

Queen Anarya leads them through the hallways to the large conservatory that looks over the gardens at the back of the palace. The Allmother has hooked her arm around Ylva's, the two of them talking animatedly. The boys are trailing behind a bit, talking amongst each other to catch up on the basics.

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