Love with a bite XIII

484 41 7

Author's note: Trigger warning for blood and gore. It's a vampire story after all...


Loki had sent the text to Ylva in a jest, yet he is now seriously contemplating to separate heads from torsos. Technically speaking, the manager of the Mayfair Hotel who is sitting across from him can't help it that his guests are making it so difficult to relocate them. He also can't help it that Laufey send in an impossible list of demands. But he is the only one that is in the direct line of Loki's anger. The dark prince has already made some serious fingerprint shaped dents in the wood of the antique desk of the manager, making the man on the other side of the desk gulp.
However, the manager knows how to handle vampires, having years of experience, and Loki lets himself be placated with a bottle of blood - the expensive brand, mixed with real donor blood - on just the right temperature.

Another hour later, they wrap things up for the day. The manager has an extensive to-do-list for him and his team to work on, but he ensures Loki it will all be done before the end of the week. Loki nods, rising from his chair. "We'll see to it that you get it done."

Just when he steps outside, taking a deep breath of cold night air, his phone buzzes in his pocket. On the other end of the line is Hogun. "Laufey is here."

"I beg your pardon?" Loki frowns darkly.

"Laufey is here," Hogun repeats. "At the club."

"What? Now?" Although Loki understands the message well enough, he needs to hear it again.

"Yes, now. With two of his cronies." Hogun's normally stoic voice has a strained lilt to it. "You better get over here."

When Loki gets out of the cab he sees Volstagg doing the same a little down the street; the two vampires make a beeline for the entrance of the club immediately. The young vampire at the door holds it open for them, making the people that are waiting to get in step back. 'They wouldn't be so eager to get in if they knew exactly who's inside,' Loki thinks grimly. The drive from the hotel to the club has taken him nearly twenty minutes and he had been eating himself up inside the entire time. The Russian vampire king is in the same room as Ylva, something he wanted to prevent. Granted, there are hundreds of people there, so chances are slim she is in immediate danger from the sadist, but still. He wants to find her and take her away from there.

Inside they find Hogun waiting for them. He quickly explains how Laufey showed up about half an hour ago, with two of his vampires in tow. "One is really young and apparently a big fan of Armin van Buuren, that's why they came tonight," Hogun says. "He is in the DJ booth now, drooling over Armin's equipment. Fandral is keeping an eye on him."

"And Laufey himself?" Loki couldn't care less for Laufey's new toyboy, it's the vampire king he's worried about.

"Inside." Hogun grimaces. "He brought Igor with him."

Loki quickly makes his way into the club, setting off in the direction of the VIP area but stopping when he sees a familiar mop of blond hair in the crowd on the dancefloor. Pushing through the dancing people he reaches Ylva's friend Thomas and grabs him by the wrist. "Where is Ylva?"
The young man is enjoying himself too much to catch on to Loki's worry, he just keeps on dancing and tells the vampire Ylva went to the restroom, or the bar, or both. Thomas doesn't seem to think Ylva has been gone for too long, though that doesn't make Loki feel any better.

He turns on his heels, leaving Thomas by himself. When he emerges from the dancefloor Thor's large hand grabs him by the shoulder. "Have you seen Laufey?"

"You lost him?!" Loki sees white for a second, rage taking over. Laufey is not someone you want to lose track of, not in a room full of warm-blooded humans.

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