Love with a bite IX

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Author's note: Top art by Nanihoo. Prepare for some fluffy goodness! :-)


Loki's thoughts drift off more often that week than he would like to admit to anyone other than himself. Or to Ylva maybe, because she is the one that occupies his mind on those occasions. Going over to Red to search for her keys - which he found in no time in a curver box that said 'lost and found' in the back of the coat room, the neon pink dinosaur sticking out like a sore thumb - had been a split-second decision, triggered by a sudden pang of jealousy. A feeling that had absolutely no grounds, as Thomas turned out to be the typical 'gay best friend'. Still, his unjust envy had brought him to Coffee & Books, just minutes before sunrise. He was lucky the sky was so overcast; it meant he could stay outside a little longer before sleep and daylight compelled him to go to his resting place.

Sleep pulled at his senses, blanketing him, and the young woman had her own special effect on him. Her voice, her smell, her blush when her friend called him by a silly nickname... She looked at him in a way he knew was mirrored by his own eyes. She pulled him in and it was much more than the sweet scent of her blood that caused this magnetizing sensation. He knew he had to take it slow, that it would be better if they didn't rush into things - whatever 'things' turned out to be. Yet when he stood in front of her, it was hard to keep a level head.

When he got her call, a couple of days later, she said the magic words as soon as he picked up the phone: "I finished the book."

She had not said her name, not even hello. That came later, after he replied to those four words. "Good. Dinner, tomorrow?"

"I would like that, yes," she said, her smile apparent in her voice. "It's Ylva by the way, hi."

"I know, darling." The casually spoken endearment slipped his tongue and though he thought he could hear her breath hitch for a second, she didn't say anything about it. "Any preferences when it comes to a restaurant?"

"I'm sure you can pick a nice place," she answered. "Everything is fine with me."

"So, Pizza Hut it is?" he teased.

"Sure! We can go to McDonalds for dessert afterwards. I love their sundaes!"

"Chocolate or caramel?"

"Chocolate," she resolutely answered. "With nuts on top!"

They talked for a while, just casual things. She told him about her day at work and asked him about his plans for the night. At the end of their phone call Thor walked into the living room, where Loki had been watching the late news when Ylva called. "See you tomorrow," Loki promised. "I'll pick you up at 7."

"Got a date?" Thor asked curiously as soon as Loki put his phone away.

"Yes." Loki didn't bother hiding it from his brother, he would find out eventually anyway. There wasn't much in this city that stayed hidden from the vampire king, something that annoyed Loki to no end, no matter how long they both lived.

"Mortal or vamp?"


"Sweet," Thor grinned. "Picked someone up at the club?"

Loki shook his head. "Bookstore."

His brother laughed. "Ah, yes, a great place for picking up dates." Loki didn't react to his brother's lame attempt at a joke. "It's been a while since you've dated," Thor observed after a short silence. The vampire king perched on the armrest of the sofa, intent on making conversation.


"Nothing," Thor smiled. "It's nice to hear you found someone you like."

"It's a date. Not a wedding." Loki rolled his eyes at his brother.

Muffins - Loki & Ylva alternate universe storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن