The handler VII

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I think all of us are equally flabbergasted by Mr. Christopher's remark, though the Native American man pays us no heed. He is standing before Loki, barking out a string of angry accusations. The man clearly knows who Loki is, what he is, yet he is not intimidated at all.

When Fury tries to step in to calm the man down, he gets verbally abused too. SHIELD has really done it in the eyes of Mr. Christopher, I don't think we can talk our way out of this.
"One time wasn't enough for you people?!" Mr. Christopher is gesturing angrily at us all. "No, you had to come back and fuck my hotel up! Do you know how much bad press is caused by this?! Body bags on my front lawn! Hell, even your own people got hurt!"

Loki clenches his jaw so hard I'm afraid he'll break it. "You brought this upon yourself," he grinds out, clearly restraining himself. "You should not have messed with me!"

Finally, Thor steps in, placing his big bulk between Loki and the chief of security. I am projecting my powers as well as I can; it's hard, being tired, hurt and slightly groggy on pain medication. I close my eyes to concentrate better, focusing on sending out wave after wave of relaxing vibes.
It takes a while before it works, before the men are listening to each other instead of just hurling accusations back and forth. I stop pushing out too abruptly and the sudden void takes my breath away. Everything goes black.

Loki is dabbing my neck with a cold washcloth when I open my eyes again. "Ah, there you are," he says quietly as I smile weakly at him. I'm lying on the bed, on my side.

Fury peers at me over Loki's shoulder, his face softening for a moment. "That's enough for today, agent Frederikson." I nod in agreement, it's not like I had any plans after this.

Behind Loki Thor and Mr. Christopher are having a discussion, probably about the man in the bloodied shirt - my blood and that of Hydra agents - that is making sure I am fully awake again. "You stay down now, okay?" he instructs me gently. His hand brushes my cheek as he takes the washcloth away. "You've done more than enough."

I feel a bit ridiculous lying on the bed while the men are discussing a few paces away. Though I guess I am to thank for the fact that they are talking instead of fighting; I have earned the right to lie down for a bit. I try to follow the conversation with my hazy brain. Loki is mostly silent and lets Thor and Fury do the talking. It's not like he can score any points with the Seneca man anyway. Thor has the best chance of appeasing Mr. Christopher and it seems like he is doing a good job at that. Basically it comes down to promising Loki will never ever come near Seneca territory again.
"You have my word, Mr. Christopher, it will never happen again. I will personally make sure of that," Thor promises, like Loki is a 5-year old who has stolen some candy. The dark-haired brother keeps his face as blank as possible, only his slightly flared nostrils give away his emotions.

"Now, I will be very happy to take Loki back to Asgard," Thor continues and my heart clenches for a second when he says that. "But I would prefer to do that with his memory restored. I think he has been punished enough by now."

"You saw today how Mr. Laufeyson becomes even more of a trouble magnet when he isn't quite himself," Fury adds without a hint of irony.
I feel for Loki, who has no other choice than to swallow this all. The prince is a proud man and the last couple of days have been full of humiliating experiences; there is only so much he can stomach, amnesia or not.

There is some bickering back and forth before Mr. Christopher finally fully admits Loki's memory loss was at the hand of someone from the Seneca Tribe. "The use of magic on our soil was an insult to my people!" he spits at Loki.

I fear I will have to use my powers again, but Loki raises his hands in apology. "I meant no disrespect. I only came here to do a job, my magic is my way to do that."

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