Love with a bite XII

547 40 16

Author's note:
Small trigger warning for assault and (a little) blood. Nothing too graphic.
Loki fanart on top from unknown artist.


Ylva spends the day after her date with Loki in satisfying bliss, her mind constantly drifting back to the evening before. Whenever she thinks about it too much, she has the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl. The original idea was to take it slow, but kissing him as soon as he came to pick her up for their first planned date isn't exactly the definition of taking it slow. Still, she doesn't regret one bit of it! Last night was all kinds of wonderful rolled into one, from the first minute to the last.

When they find themselves behind the counter together, all customers satisfied for the moment, Lisa asks her how her date went. "I didn't even hear you come home, did you have fun?"

"I did," Ylva answers, smiling big. Of course, that is not enough of an answer for her cousin. It's not for Ylva either, she wants to share how wonderful her night has been!

"You've fallen head over heels for that vamp," Lisa concludes after hearing Ylva gush about her date.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." She looks at her cousin with a slight frown.

Lisa shrugs, as if to say she is not sure about it. "I don't know. Maybe?"

Ylva puts her hands on her hips. "I told you all about how nice it was, how sweet he was to me and you're doubting him?"

"He has fangs, Ylva!" Lisa exclaims, lowering her voice immediately when she realises customers can overhear her. "I mean, vampires drink blood, don't they? Aren't you afraid of that?"

She shakes her head. "No, I'm not."

"Not even weirded out?"

"Well, maybe a bit when I saw his fangs the first time. But Loki is really careful, I have no reason to be afraid of him." Ylva pauses for a second, thinking about her feelings when it comes to the vampire. "I like him... a lot."

"Yeah, everybody can see that," Lisa deadpans. "You're practically glowing when you talk of him."

Ylva smiles shyly, realising her feelings are showing on the outside for everyone to see. "I want him to come over before we go out this saturday, so you can get to know him too. Then you'll see there is nothing to worry about."

Lisa puts an arm around her shoulders. "If you like this guy so much, I'm sure I'll like him too. And it's really cool he put us on the guest list for tomorrow! Tickets for Armin's shows are always sold out way too fast."

That saturday night Armin van Buuren's name and face are plastered all over the walls outside the club. His music is not really Ylva's favourite, but her friends are into it. She mainly comes here to have a good night and to be with Loki. The latter sadly will have to wait, as he had to take care of something first. Loki said it had something to do with the impending visit of another vampire king, the Russian vampire he warned her about. He promised he would be quick about it.

There's a long line of people trying to get in, tickets or no tickets; luckily the entrance for people on the guestlist has a much shorter wait. There's an Asian looking vampire at the door, holding an iPad and checking off a vampire and her human date before it's the turn of Ylva and her friends.

"Loki's girl," the vampire says matter-of-factly when she tells him her name. "Follow me." He hands the iPad over to another vampire, just like him dressed impeccably in a black suit with a white shirt. They even have the same stoic faces.

Ylva shrugs to her friends - not expecting this kind of reception - before they follow the vampire inside the club. He leads them to a separate coat room, where they recieve red bracelets that have the letters VIP printed on them. There are small lockers to put their valuables away.

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