The handler IX

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We don't say anything; Loki watches me put the flowers in a vase - the only one I have, I am grateful my grandmother insisted on giving me one when I started living on my own - and he is still silent when I carry the vase to the table. The bouquet is so beautiful, with flowers in various shades of pink and purple, mixed with whites and greens. I turn back to Loki and lean against the table. "Thank you for the flowers," I tell him. "They're lovely."

"They're not just to say I'm sorry," he says earnestly. "They are more to say thank you." He closes the distance between us to take my hand. "Thank you for helping me, for taking me in."

"You're welcome," I tell him, pulling my hand out of his to rub my neck. My mind is a mess, I have no idea what to do. "Why didn't you call?"

"Dead battery," Loki shrugs, though his eyes look intently at my face as if he's searching for something. His talk is casual, yet his gaze isn't. "Left my charger in my coat, which was in my locker at SHIELD's. They don't sell iPhone chargers on Asgard."

"You could have come back earlier, you know. It's been two and a half weeks." I cross my arms in front of my chest and glare at the prince of Asgard.

He ignores my glare and puts his hands on my upper arms, gently rubbing his thumb across my uninjured arm but keeping his hand still on the other. "I realize that now. I'm sorry, I meant to be here sooner." He is silent for a moment, biting his lip. "Time is... different on Asgard. It feels different." He brings a hand up to cup my cheek. "I could give you a lengthy explanation, thought it just comes down to this: I wanted to come back, to you, but there was a hold up. And before I knew it too much time had passed."

My cheek is burning under his hand and even though I want to avert my eyes I can't; he's keeping them locked in his gaze. His other hand moves from my arm to my waist, gently pulling me against him. I uncross my arms and place my palms against his chest, still unable to look away from him. He leans in and brushes his nose against mine. "Do you think you can forgive me for being late?" he says softly.

I nod slowly and swallow hard; my heart is racing in my chest. "How... how much do you remember?" There. The million dollar question.

A smile spreads over Loki's features. "Everything, my love."

Those three little words make my stomach flip. I lift my face a little and carefully touch his lips with my own. His mouth is warm and gentle, our lips fitting together with ease. Loki's hand moves from my cheek to my neck, his fingers gliding through my hair.
We take our time, exploring, tasting, feeling. I don't think I've ever been kissed like this; this gentle, this slow. He holds me against him like he can hold me forever and I want to be held forever.

It's not after forever though that we break apart, yet it has left my lips red and puffy and there is a permanent blush on my cheeks. Loki nudges my nose with his and smiles. "I've been wanting to do that for a while," he says and pecks my lips again. "Maybe I should have done it sooner."

"No, this is good like it is," I argue with a small shake of my head.

Loki clasps his hands together behind my back and looks down at me with a smile. "So, what now?" he asks playfully. "Netflix and chill?"

I almost snort with laughter and push against his chest. "How about Netflix and Thai food?"

"As long as it's with you," Loki answers, only partly joking.

Some time later the new season of Orange is the new black is playing and my coffee table is filled with empty white paper containers from my favourite Thai restaurant. Loki sits on the floor again - he really dislikes my worn-out couch -, turned to me, with his arm draped over my lap. We are not seeing much of the show; we're too busy gazing at each other.

Muffins - Loki & Ylva alternate universe storiesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt