Love with a bite VIII

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The sound of the alarm is harsh in the early morning. It's not even light outside and it will not be for at least another hour. Coffee & Books opens at 7 on weekdays, catering to the early customers who drop by on their way to work and take their coffee to go. Although Ylva doesn't particularly like getting up in the dark - the early hour feeling extra rough because of the late nights this weekend -, there is something about seeing the sun start to rise when your workday starts.

When she steps outside at the back of the building, a fire escape connecting the back door to the alley behind the coffee shop below, it's cold, dark and gray outside. Ylva doubts she will see the sun at all today, no wonder january is one of the most depressing months. When she unlocks the backdoor of Coffee & Books Thomas arrives too, his hair still a little damp from the shower. "Good morning, doll!" he calls out, showing he is never grumpy, no matter what time or day it is.

Together they ready the coffee shop for opening, the smell of freshly baked muffins quickly filling the room. At 7 o'clock sharp Ylva opens the door and puts the chalkboard sign on the sidewalk. The first customer already walks in behind her back and she knows more will follow soon. Coffee & Books is famous for its muffins, though the coffee is pretty darn good too. They are one of few small businesses on this block; most of the buildings are offices. Stark Tower is right around the corner too, every now and then Ylva has to take a delivery there.

Thomas is manning the counter and Ylva is checking the napkin holders on the tables when she suddenly hears a voice behind her. It's low and smooth like velvet; she immediately recognises it, a warm glow filling her stomach. "Good morning, Little Wolf."

"Loki!" Ylva turns on her heels, finding the vampire close behind her. He is wearing his black coat, the houndstooth scarf wrapped around his neck. A layer of fine droplets covers his hair and wool coat, a result from the drizzle that started outside.

He pulls his hand out of his pocket, holding something up for her. "I think these belong to you." A bright pink plastic dinosaur on a keyring dangles from his finger.

"My keys!" Without thinking Ylva moves up to her tip toes and presses a kiss to Loki's cheek, her hand catching his to slide the keyring from his finger. "Thank you!"

Loki shows her a surprised smile when she releases him and Ylva feels her ears heat up, feeling a bit awkward all of a sudden. "Thomas, look! Loki found my keys!" she calls out to her friend behind the counter, hiding her embarrassment by jangling the keyring in the air.

"Way to go Mr. T.D.H.!" Thomas hoots, grinning wide.

"T. D. H.?" Loki asks her with a chuckle, putting his hands back in his coat pockets. His head is cocked to the side, his green eyes sparkling with restrained mirth.

"Tall, dark and handsome," Ylva explains reluctantly, the blush now spreading to her cheeks. Her friend came up with the silly nickname on saturday. "Thomas should keep his mouth shut," she adds, eyes shooting daggers to her friend who is visibly appreciating Loki behind his back, even giving her the thumbs up.

Loki looks over his shoulder, catching a last grin from Thomas before he helps the next customer. "That's Thomas?"

Ylva nods, groaning softly. "Yeah, he's my best friend. And he doesn't know when to shut his gay ass up."

The vampire just smirks, clearly enjoying Ylva's embarrassment. She doesn't really mind, she is much too happy to see him; and it is really sweet he took the trouble to come here. "Did you stay up late just so you could bring me my keys?"

"I figured you needed them," he answers casually, his eyes fixed on her face.

"I do. Again, thank you so much!" Ylva beams. "I had to borrow Lisa's keys today." Suddenly, she realises what time of day it is. "Shit! Shouldn't you be... I don't know, underground or something? The sun is coming up!"

Muffins - Loki & Ylva alternate universe storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن