As night fell, Kongpob tucked their son into bed and then joined Arthit in their room. Arthit fell asleep with the comfort of Kongpob's presence.

The morning light filtered through the curtains as Arthit roused from his sleep. Still half-asleep, he reached out, expecting to find his husband Kongpob beside him. But the other side of the bed was empty. Confusion filled him, and he slowly opened his eyes, calling out for Kongpob, only to be met with silence. Just then, the door creaked open, and his mother entered the room. Arthit couldn't comprehend why his mother was there so early in the morning

"Son, you're awake already. Good, freshen up and come downstairs. Breakfast is ready." Arthit's mind was clouded with bewilderment.

"Mae, why are you here so early? Where's Kongpob?"

His mother's voice was tinged with concern as she questioned, "Arthit, love, did you forget to take your medicine again? Why do you keep doing this?"

Arthit's frustration was building. "Mae, what medicine? Why would I need any medication? I'm perfectly fine. Now tell me, where's Kongpob?"

His mother sat down on the bed beside him, enveloping him in an embrace. Arthit was utterly lost in the whirlwind of emotions and couldn't grasp what was happening.

"Sweetheart, please listen to me. Kongpob isn't here. He left us a long time ago. He's not a part of our family anymore. You and he broke up years ago. Try to remember."

Arthit's emotions surged, and he instinctively pushed his mother away. "No, you're lying. Why would he do that? He loves me and our son." His breath caught in his throat, and he choked out, "Mae, where's our son? I need to see him." He attempted to rise from the bed but his unsteady legs betrayed him, causing him to stumble and collapse onto the floor, pain radiating through him.

His mother swiftly helped him sit back on the bed, her voice trembling. "Mae, please bring my son here. I want to see him."

His mother's response was laced with desperation as she implored, "Son, you don't have a child. Please, come back to your senses."

Arthit's eyes widened, disbelief etched across his face. "What do you mean I don't have a child? We have a beautiful boy. He's our son, mine and Kongpob's. I gave birth to him. Bring my child to me. I want to see him." His mother was at a loss for words.

"Oh God, Arthit, you're a man. You can't give birth. This is all in your imagination." Panic tinged her voice, a stark contrast to the reality that Arthit believed he lived. He couldn't understand why she was so frantic. It should be him who was panicked. His husband wasn't with him, and they weren't allowing him to see his own child. His breathing escalated, each breath growing shallower, and he began to shout.

"Let me see my baby. He must be scared. Just let me go."

"Arthit, you don't have a baby. You can't give birth. You're a man. Men don't  give birth."

"No, no, my baby. Kongpob. I want Kong. I need my Kong. Kong, Kong."

He felt more hands on him and voices calling his nane. He try to recoganize who are they but darkness is engulfing him faster. He continuously shouted for his baby and kongpob.

Back in reality

Kongpob's pov

I hurried back to Arthit's side with the food from the cafeteria, my steps quick and purposeful. I couldn't bear the thought of him waking up without me by his side. But as I reached the hallway leading to Arthit's room, disappointment crashed into my heart like a wave. Our parents were nowhere to be seen, and a sense of betrayal coursed through me. I had explicitly told them not to leave his side, yet they seemed to have abandoned their post.

I Hate Him (fanfic Kongpob and Arthit)Where stories live. Discover now