a little chat before reading

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Note! Hetalia is not mine! English is not my first language so correct me if I'm wrong and this FANFIC contains nyo!romano, nyo!russia and nyo!denmark with my OC Indonesia.

After the nations went to the house, the duo Italians seemed to be arguing until Italy looked pissed and went of to the dining room. Romano looked at him and sighed. Seborga who saw that his Sorella was frustrated, quickly hugged her. Romano smiled and hugged him back before letting go and ask Seborga to go to the dining room with the others.

   " Are you alright, Roma? " asked Prussia. Romano looked saddened and shooked her head.

   " Feli was really mad. When I said that it was not his business, he shouted at me saying that I just don't understand how he felt after all this years. He said I just left him all over again and he have to wait for me, but once I come back he would once again forgotten and I would prefer with all of you than him... I want to tell him why I go with all of you but you know I can't.. " explained Romano. The others also sighed at her explanation. They know the reason but know that they can't told anyone about it.

   " Hey, it's alright Roma. He would understand why you do that. " said Indonesia, trying to comfort her.

   " Yeah, thanks ayah. Alright then, let's go make some dinner. Today the one who make dinner is ayah and Matt. Matthia, Ivy, prepare the table. " said Romano. The others nodded and headed straight to the dining room. While Prussia still beside romano who didn't move.

   " Ada apa, Roma? Aku tau, kamu nyuruh ayah sama yg lain untuk berbicara denganku. (What is it, Roma? I know, you told dad and the others to go so that you can talk to me.) " said Prussia. Romano didn't talk, but hugged Prussia who felt his shirt got wet as she hugged him. Prussia softly smiled and hugged her back gently.

   " Shh... Tidak apa - apa, Roma. Menangis lah, keluarkan kesedihanmu. (Shh.. It's alright, Roma. Cry, let go all of your sadness.) " mumbled Prussia to Roma's ear. They stayed like that until Roma let go of Prussia.

   " Grazie, Gil. " said Romano, smiling at him.

   " Well then, let's go to the dining room! " said Prussia and put his hand at Romano's shoulder. She just laughed loudly and nodded at him.

While with Nusa and Matthew

   " Ayah, apa yang akan kita buat? ( Dad, what are we making?) " asked Canada.

   " Hmm... Bagaimana kalau nasi goreng kelinci rendang? Buat yg paling pedes, biar menjerit. (Hmm... How about rabbit rendang fried rice? Make it really, really spicy so they scream.) " said Indonesia, smirking. Canada also smirked.

   " Dengan cabe Lombok? Aku yakin mereka akan menjerit lebih keras. (with Lombok chilies? I bet they will scream even more.)" said Canada. They smirked and went to find the ingredients for the fried rice. Each of them mumbled,

" I bet Lars and Kiku will scream the loudest. take that for 350 years and 3,5 years of stinky cheese and natto. "

" I hope Al, papa and dad loved this fried rice. After all, I made it with love. "

This is going to be fun!

With Matthia and Ivy

   " Ivy, tadi kamu kerasa Ada yg ngeliatin kamu gitu? (Ivy, did you felt like someone sees you?) " asked Denmark. Russia only shooked her head, confused of her sister words.

   " Enggak tuh. Emang kenapa? (Nope. Why?) asked Russia, titled her head. Denmark sighed at her and looked at her.

   " Nanya doang.... Tunggu, kok tiba - tiba kecium bau nasi goreng ya? (Only asking.... Wait, why does it suddenly smell like fried rice?) " said Denmark. Russia also sniffed the air and it does smell like fried rice. She recognized the spices and smirked.

   " Mereka menggunakan cabe Lombok. (They are using Lombok's chilies.) " said Russia. Denmark looked stunned before grin mischievously.

   " Hmm... Apakah mereka juga menggunakan daging kelinci? (Hmm... Do they use rabbit meat too?) " asked Denmark. Russia answer was just shrugging her shoulders.

   " Semoga saja. (I hope so.) " said Russia.

Dinner time!

The only description is that all of the nations screamed in pain and yelling at each other. The suspects only laughed at them as they already get used to eat those.

They also fainted when being told that the rendang meat was rabbit.



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