Chapter 4.First Day

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My phone alarm blared music at 6AM. It was definitely earlier than I would have wanted to wake up, but it was the first day of senior year, so I had no choice.

The last few days I hung out with James a little bit, worked in my art studio, and slept. In my mind that was the absolute best way to spend my final days of freedom.

Since it was my last first day of high school, I decided to attempt to make myself look decent. I showered and put on my black, frayed denim shorts, a floral crop top, and a cream-colored sweater. I even curled the ends of my dark hair.

My mom was already locked in her office preparing for her patients of the day. This was a typical thing; I rarely saw her in the mornings.

I fixed myself a mango smoothie and a bowl of Cocoa Puffs and sat alone at the breakfast bar. I set my phone on the counter next to me and played my "Summer" playlist. First song that played was "I'm Ready" by AJR. That song was basically my summer anthem, because I was always ready to have a fun time. But now that summer was over, I was so not ready for senior year.

The playlist continued with some Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, Panic! At the Disco, and 5 Seconds of Summer.

"Seems like my summer lasted five seconds," I muttered to myself.

I finished my breakfast with the low hum of my music and then got in my car to drive to school. When I plugged my phone into the auxilary the first song to play was "Habits (Stay High)" by Tove Lo.

The line "I've gotta stay high all the time to keep you off my mind," made me think of Asher for some reason. I liked the song, I wasn't one to smoke or get high, but I understood the need for some distraction to keep your mind away from something possibly painful. Why Asher drifted into my mind was a mystery to me.

Luckily, I hadn't heard from him at all since he left my house that morning after the party, but now I had to go to school where he would be basking in the attention of every prissy girl there.

I pulled into the school parking lot with ten minutes before my first class of the day, senior English. I loved English, so it was a good class to start the day with! I walked in and took a seat in the back of the room in an empty row. I knew the teacher from a class I had my Junior year, and he was my favorite teacher! A short, stout, old man with a grey mustache that reminded me of my grandfather. I believe the reason I liked this teacher so much was the fact that he reminded me so much of my late grandfather. The way he spoke, wrote, and dressed was just so similar.

I set my things down in my desired seat - which happened to be the same seat I had last year - and walked up to Mr. LaSheen's desk.

As the class slowly filed in we chatted about our summers and what classes I was signed up for.

"Do you think we have a good roster for this class?" I asked as I scanned the room spotting some familiar faces along with some not-so-familiar ones.

"Should be interesting," Mr. LaSheen replied.

I laughed and took my seat when the final bell rang.

"Not a great way to begin the school year Mr..."

"Jennings," he completed Mr. LaSheen's statement. My eyes widened and I shrunk down in my seat hoping he wouldn't spot me. Of course Asher would show up to class late on the first day.

Lucky for me, one of the tallest guys at school was in the class and seated right in front of me so I could hide behind him a bit.

Unlucky for me, Asher was also the type of guy to go to the back of the class room for a seat...the seat next to mine was open.

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