Chapter 13.Official

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It was strange getting ready for school at Asher's house. But I got ready rather quickly, got my school bag, and descended the stairs to the kitchen.

"Good morning, sweetheart!" Danielle said when I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning," I replied.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

"What are my options?"

"Well, you could have cereal, toast, pancakes, waffles, eggs, sausage, an omelet, pretty much anything you'd like."

"I'm not much of a breakfast person; could I just have some cereal please?"

"Of course! What kind would you like? We have Cheerios, Special K, Fruit Loops, Cocoa Puffs, and Raisin Bran."

"Special K sounds perfect! If you just tell me where things are I can make my own cereal." I didn't want Danielle to constantly be doing things for me. I would probably be living there for a while, so it was my home now too.

She directed me around the kitchen and pretty soon I was sitting with my bowl of Special K.

"What time does Asher usually come down?" I asked.

"Oh he's usually rushing around to get food and get to school on time. Maybe since you're here he'll be early."

That statement proved to be incorrect as I went back to my room to grab my car keys and leave and Asher was just going downstairs towards the kitchen. I laughed and continued on my mission. When I returned to the kitchen Asher was scarfing down a bowl of Cheerios.

"Don't choke," I laughed. He simply scowled at me. "I'll see you at school," I said and started walking towards the front door.

"Wait! We're not going together?" Asher stopped me.

"You're still eating and I want to get going now. Plus goodness knows what kind of rumors would spread if we arrived at school together."

He frowned, "Rumors of us being together maybe? Is that so bad?"

"Asher, I don't want to start off the day with an argument. I just don't want to deal with people asking endless questions that they have no business asking in the first place." Asher nodded and returned to his food. I walked out to my car and took off towards school.

I pulled into a parking space and sat there for a moment letting the song I was listening to finish before I got out of the car. A familiar car pulled up next to me...Asher.

"How did you get here so quickly?" I asked while I pulled my school bag out of the back seat.

"I dumped the rest of my Cheerios down the drain and practically ran to my car to get here around the same time you did," he blushed.

"You didn't have to get here the same time I did," I smiled sympathetically.

"I wanted to walk in with my girl-"

"Asher," I warned. If he had already forgotten our conversation from last night I was going to smack him.

"I wasn't going to say girlfriend, Scar," he chuckled, "Just my girl. Can't you be at least my girl? Not my girlfriend, just my girl." He came to stand beside me and kissed me on the cheek. I was trying so hard to scowl at him but he got me to crack a smile.

"Fine, I guess just 'my girl' is okay," I rolled my eyes. We walked towards school side by side; he was cautious to hold my hand and I was grateful. I didn't want people staring. I already knew they would be since I was walking with Asher and every girl looked at him anyway. I hated people trying to butt in on my personal life, and I knew being with Asher there would be plenty of girls gawking, whispering, and making up stories. It seemed almost like I was dating some sort of celebrity.

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