Chapter 16.Drugs and Alcohol

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The school week continued on with little to no contact with neither Jane nor CJ...thank goodness. But I couldn't help but continue to have the concern of them doing something malicious burning in the back of my mind.

Asher and I had spent every night in the same bedroom together all week, and I was still trying to get used to his parents being okay with that. I knew if the roles were reversed my mother would never allow for Asher and I to share a bedroom.

We held hands around school, and Asher would be a gentleman and walk me to class. Our art teacher was more than pleased to see our blossoming relationship especially after my slight explosion in our first art class.

Friday after lunch, Tristan personally invited me and Asher to his party he was throwing that night. I was hesitant at first, but thought about it more throughout the rest of the school day and was most definitely warming up to the idea of letting go of my worries in the haze of drunkenness. Asher agreed to be the designated driver, and we told Tristan we accepted his invitation.

It was rather odd for me to be half of a whole now. I was half of Asher, and Asher was half of me. At least that was how it seemed at school. Whenever I was invited to go places - Tristan's party for example - it wasn't just me receiving the invitation, it was me and Asher, whether he was with me in the moment or not. It was as if we were a package deal. I certainly wasn't complaining though seeing that we seemed to be in a slightly less obnoxious, but still noticeable "honeymoon stage" of our relationship.

"Are you about ready for the party?" Asher asked, knocking on my bedroom door before entering.

"Just about, I just need some hairspray and then I'll be set!"

"That's one thing that really attracted me to you when we first met at that party Tristan hosted."

"My hairspray?" I questioned while clasping my bracelet.

"No," he chuckled, "You dress beautifully, not like someone who just wants to hook up with every guy possible at the party."

"Aw, babe, that's the nicest way anyone has ever told me I don't dress like a slut," I laughed placing my hands over my heart.

Asher laughed along with me, "Well I thought it might be a bit vulgar to flat out say that you don't dress like a slut. Plus it sounded more endearing the way I phrased it." I walked past him and into the bathroom to lightly spritz a bit of hairspray to keep my hair in place.

"Ready!" I said.

"Let's go, then!" We said bye to Asher's parents then headed out to his car.

"I'm glad I'm going to this party with you; now I'll have a dance partner instead of having to find one. And I won't be surprised this time by CJ wrapping his arms around me from behind - not that he would after all that's happened since the last party I went to."

"CJ won't be getting anywhere near you as long as I'm around," Asher replied sternly. I leaned over the center console and kissed him on the cheek.

We made it to the party rather quickly and found a parking space where we were sure not to be blocked in. We then made our way into the densely packed house with our hands intertwined.

"You made it!" Tristan greeted us loudly so he could be heard over the thumping music. "Drinks are in the kitchen; help yourselves!"

I nodded and made a beeline straight for the kitchen.

"Someone is excited to drink," Asher chortled.

"I haven't had a drink in so long!" I said as I began pouring myself an Italian rum punch.

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