Chapter 28.Lies

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Getting out of the house without waking anyone proved to be fairly simple. When I pulled my car into the lighthouse parking lot, Dylan was already there waiting for me.

We both rolled our windows down as I parked next to him.

"Hop in, we have a lot to talk about," Dylan said. I turned off my car and got into his with shaky hands.

We chose to drive around for a bit instead of just sitting in the parking lot.

"How do you know about Max?" Dylan asked.

"He called me. He said I shouldn't have turned CJ in and that he's going to make me regret it if I don't go retract the charges on him basically telling the police that I'm insane and made it all up."

"Shit, Scarlett. This is bad. You have to do what he says, he's really bad news. CJ's brother, Max, just returned about two weeks ago from prison. He was put in a juvenile detention center as a kid because he supposedly killed one of his babysitters, and he was put away in prison for five accounts of sexual assault, three of which had escalated all the way to rape. You need to let CJ go free, I don't even want to think about what Max might do if you don't."

"He'll either kill Asher and his family, or he'll kill me."

Dylan gasped, "What?!"

"He told me my options were to go take everything back and let CJ go free, don't let CJ free and he kills the Jennings, or don't let CJ free and go right to him to let him execute punishment on me himself," I said with tears in my eyes. I was terrified.

"Scarlett, you have to just let CJ go."

"No! I will not let people think I'm crazy! And I don't want CJ roaming the streets with his head held high after he attempted to rape me and attempted to kill me twice!"

"You'll risk your boyfriend's life just so CJ gets locked up?"

"No, I can't do that either." I twiddled my fingers nervously in my lap while waiting for Dylan to realize what my plan was.

"No," he whispered, "No Scarlett! You cannot go to Max for your punishment! He'll torture you, or even worse, he'll kill you!" Now Dylan was yelling.

"I have to, it's not an option. I will not risk anyone's life for my own. I refuse."

"Does Asher know your plan?" He asked with an accusing tone.

"No, he doesn't even know about Max calling me. I told him it was my mom who called me. I don't want him trying to intervene. I need to keep him safe."

"But who is going to keep you safe?!"

"No one. Because anyone who tries is going to end up getting hurt and I can't let that happen." I knew it was crazy to go to Max with no back up but I didn't want anyone to get caught in the crossfire.

Dylan and I drove around arguing about my plan for a little while longer until I finally got him to leave it alone.

When we got back to my car I went to step out of the car and Dylan put his hand over mine. "Is there anything I can say to make you change your mind?" I looked into his begging eyes and shook my head.

"No, I have to do this alone. Thank you for giving me more information on Max, I really appreciate this. Go get some sleep, and don't worry about me."

"That will be impossible, Scar."

Even though Dylan made my blood boil the majority of the time, I knew I could still go to him in my time of need. I leaned across the center console and wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug. I was petrified and desperately needed comforting.

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