Chapter 9.Sinister

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Asher immediately grabbed the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. But when he tried using his tongue is when I pulled away - I wasn't letting it go that far.

"You kissed me," Asher said, refusing to let go of me.

"I did," I laughed at his obvious statement.

"Does this mean..." he didn't finish his question but I could tell where it was going.

"Yes, I'm giving you a chance," I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Finally!" he said rather loudly and picked me up spinning me around.

"I don't get why you have been trying so hard to get me to give you a chance."

"Because you are honestly the only thing on my mind lately. I can't get you out of my head and I want to see where this can go. I like you, Scarlett, a lot, and I want to be able to call you mine." His words took my breath away but I didn't know if I wanted to be his. I was never very good with relationships, but based on Asher's history, neither was he.

"Just because I'm giving you a chance does not mean I am your girlfriend. I'm not even exclusively yours yet so slow your roll buddy." I wasn't sure if I liked him yet, but I could definitely tell he had already put a lot of effort into getting my attention, so the least I could do was give him a sliver of a chance.

"I got my chance, that's all I wanted. I will actually be patient to see what more can come of this."

"You're going to be patient? I'm excited to see how that works out," I replied with a wink.

We sat on the couch chatting about anything and everything as Asher casually stole kisses every now and then. His arm was always around me or holding my hand.

"So why do you and Jane have such a terrible relationship?" Asher inquired.

"Let's just say... she's a stupid bitch who jumps to conclusions and sticks with those conclusions no matter what anyone tells her," I responded bitterly. I couldn't stand Jane, and she was part of the reason why Dylan and I didn't get along anymore.

"What was the conclusion she jumped to?"

"She thought that Dylan was cheating on her with me. Dylan's mom is good friends with mine and we would have these not-so-family "family dinners" and one night Dylan had to cancel on Jane to go to our family dinner. She ended up going to the same restaurant we were at and she thought it was something to do with me and Dylan being together behind her back. So she threw a hissy in the middle of the restaurant, stormed out, Dylan went after her, came back and wouldn't say a word to anyone. Since then, Jane thinks of me as nothing but the slut who stole her boyfriend." By the end of my explanation Asher's golden brown eyes were opened wide in surprise.

"I can't believe she still hasn't let that go."

"Well it was just last year, so I guess it really hasn't been that long."

"How could you possibly be a slut for being accused of going out with Dylan?"

"She thinks I sleep around or something and the fact that her mind is set on me being the issue between her and Dylan makes it easier for her to live with herself somehow. But I'm over it, and over her. She made plenty of people believe that I was a slut but I've set most of them straight. But now that she knows I'm here with you she's going to try extremely hard to turn you against me. She's a vengeful person, and since she hasn't ruined my life yet, something is bound to happen. Just be prepared for that." I was beginning to trust Asher, which didn't usually happen as quickly as it was happening with him, and I didn't want Jane to fuck it up, but I knew she would certainly try.

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