Chapter 19.Visitors

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A/N: I do believe it's time for some more shout outs to the readers who have stood out to me! This is mainly based on some comments that have either made me laugh or simply plastered a huge grin on my face...but a thank you to floewr, SfarzosoDonzello, and tickleyourbones for your comments! It's people like you guys keeping me wanting to continue my story. Along with those three commenters I want to extend another thank you to those of you commenting requesting that I update! It makes me so happy to see how much you all enjoy Fight For It.

Much Love, Sam

"How cute - you two confessing your love for each other. Makes me want to vomit so it must be absolutely adorable to anyone who actually gives a shit," she sneered.

"Get out of here Jane! The police are looking for you and you aren't supposed to be anywhere near Scarlett," Asher yelled. I have a feeling he was trying to get the attention of someone in the hall. But while her attention was on him I carefully grabbed my phone and turned on video. If the police couldn't get her to fess up, I would get my own confession whether she knew it or not. 

"Oh calm down, CJ was the one doing the real damage, I just stood by with the video phone."

"Get out!"

"How did it feel Scarlett? To betray your dear Asher, and with man-whore CJ of all people."

"You two drugged me! I had no part in what was happening!" It was my turn to raise my voice.

"But you liked it, you liked his hands on you. It felt better than Asher's; I'll bet CJ got further with you than Asher has ever gotten."

"That is none of your business. What the hell made you want to drug me?"

"You ruined my relationship with Dylan. You just had to slut around with my boyfriend!" She almost screamed towards the end of her statement but then took a deep breath and gathered her composure. "So I wanted your slut tendencies to ruin your relationship with your boyfriend."

"He was going to rape me! There are no slut tendencies on my part; only felon tendencies on CJ's!" I couldn't believe that made-up incident was still the driving force for Jane's passionate hatred towards me. "So was it you or CJ who roofied my drink?"

"Me of course. I couldn't let CJ do everything himself, then there would be no satisfaction for myself in the end."

"GET OUT!" Asher yelled at an impossibly loud volume. He managed to startle me with his outburst and he quickly grabbed hold of my hand noticing that he scared me along with Jane who was the real target for his aggression. We heard footsteps approaching rapidly from down the corridor and soon there was my protection detail officer standing in the doorway.

"What's going on here?" he asked as he laid eyes on the three teens present in the room.

"Jane decided to show her face here, and I now have proof that she is also a guilty party in the crime committed tonight. I have video evidence on my phone," I threw a devilish smirk towards Jane and she threw daggers right back.

"You bitch," she seethed, but I held my unfaltering grin.

"I have the other suspect here in the hospital room of Ms. Scarlett McCana. Scarlett says that she has video evidence on her phone that Jane Bronson is guilty," my protection officer said into his walkie-talkie.

"Alright, stay with them and we'll send someone over for Jane and the cell phone," someone replied.

"Will do." Jane stupidly tried to dart out of the room. "Oh no you don't!" the officer stopped her, "Take a seat Ms. Bronson." Jane huffed but sat down in the chair that was closest to the door. The officer stood tall in the door making sure there would be no other escape attempts.

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