O10| Partying and Drinking.

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*I've started including the sound track to these books on the YouTube icon above! Listen to it as you read pls*Song: Redemption_Zacari

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*I've started including the sound track to these books on the YouTube icon above! Listen to it as you read pls*
Song: Redemption_Zacari


Lee was a ball of energy, you weren't sure if he'd even sat still for more than a few seconds without gasping about how this was "honestly the biggest thing ever." The two of you exited the Skytrain near Club Red, where you were to meet up with Yoongi.

"Do you know we are literally a select few who are about to meet the entire Red Clan and live to see the next day?" He whispered as you two walked away from the station.

"Who said we'll live to see the next day?" You arched an amused brow, his expression dropped, as if realizing that was a very real possibility. "I mean, I know I'll make it out alive—they like me, you on the other hand, my friend." You placed a hand on his shoulder and shook your head slowly. "No guarantees."

"Stop joking around," he deadpanned, slapping your hand off him.

You snickered, looking down around the crowded streets of the Undergrounds in hopes of seeing Yoongi. And after a few seconds of running your eyes over the dark crowd colored by the multiple neon lights, you finally spotted a flare of red. He was standing infront of a booth that seemed to be selling something, he scanned his phone over a device and was handed a clear bottle of deep blue soda and a small pack of candy.

Feeling eyes on him, he looked from his soda and towards you. A smile tugged on his handsome face—God, it hit you every time you looked at him. He was stunning, head to toe. "There he is," you turned to Lee who followed your eyes, before his body straighten. A mischievous smile tugged on your lips, "nervous?"

"Shut it," he grumbled, following behind you as you crossed the concrete streets and went over towards the man dressed in all black with a flare of red.

"Welcome back, SkullCrusher," mused Yoongi as he uncapped his soda and took a small sip. "This must be the annoyingly overbearing friend you told me about." He nodded towards Lee who's nervous smile dropped and he threw you a glare.

"That's him," you grinned, patting his shoulder. "Lee, Yoongi, Yoongi, Lee," you introduced, Lee offered his hand to which Yoongi gave one firm shake to.

"Ohh, so you're Lee," he marveled, "she told me you forced her to join the preliminaries, thank you for that, I would have never found her."

"He's putting it nicely," you turned to Lee, "what he means to say is that this is all your fault." Lee pushed you away by your face scoffing.

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