O40| A Series of Unfortunate Events.

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Revised— not edited

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Revised— not edited.

"You guys are gross" Jungkook reiterated for the third time in the duration of the thirty minute train ride from Azure Park to Kim's Palace.

You pursed your lips, looking down at your feet while Yoongi wore that badge of honor with a smug smile. Jungkook had caught a glimpse of the aftermath of you getting just a little bit carried away by Yoongi's encouragements. After he accused you of kissing him for sport, now you were kissing him just for the sake of it and Jungkook was an eye witness.

"So," continued the younger brunette, "are you a thing now? Not that I'm opposed, Y/n you're lucky to have my hyung, however I don't think it's a very good look for the games."

"Should you really be talking about dating right now?" Yoongi said just as you said--

"I know."

You turned to Yoongi with the same exasperated expression as Jungkook, "be serious right now."

"I'm always serious" he said with a very unserious grin, "and I said this before, it's good if people underestimate you, it'll give you a massive head-start."

"That's a dirty trick" Jungkook said in delight, "I say we do it!"

"We were already going to do it," Yoongi mimicked his delight, moving from the space beside the door that he had been occupying now to the seat beside you. "It's a good way to pick out the stupid contestants."

"Yeah" nodded Jungkook, "however" he added, "you'll probably be known as just Yoongi's girlfriend though, which I guess is fine for you but I would have a problem with it."

"What are you talking about "would" you already threw a temper tantrum that people knew you as my student before" Yoongi said, folding his arms.

"Yeah because I'm more than that," Jungkook scoffed indignantly, "people should know my name."

"I don't have a problem with it," you said, cutting in-between the two's constant back and forth, Yoongi smiled while Jungkook went to roll his eyes. "Well it's better than being known as "Skullcrusher" it really sends people the wrong message about me. At least with Yoongi's Girlfriend people don't think I've committed multiple mass murders before."

"People will still think that," Yoongi and Jungkook chorused.

"It's Yoongi hyung you're dating, not some morally upright citizen," Jungkook added.

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