Chapter 3 "Never Let You Down pt. 3"

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Continuation from last....

"bey!" jay yelled as we fell to the ground. "you okay" he said panicking

"yea, u good" I asked checking him to see if he's shot.

"I'm good ma" he said pushing me off of him and grabbing his gun from His waist.

"jay! n-" BANG!....BANG! BANG! he shot the guy who tried to shoot him. once in the shoulder and then shot at dude homies who started running when His first shot was fired. he hopped up and walked over to the guy he shot who was still on the ground.

"tell that nigga Rickey ima be seeing him soon two, since you wanna be a fucking messenger" he said kneeling over him.

The guy just nodded while screaming and holding his wounded shoulder.

"aye jay let's go man, 5-O!" Ty said. running over.

"come on bey" jay said helping me off the ground, I'm still in shock, I've never seen someone get shot before.

Jay tucked his gun back in his waist and then grabbed my hand. Me, him, Ty  and Dame booked it back to the Marcy projects across the street. When we got there, we split.

"Aye lay low and don't talk" Jay said to Dame as they daped.

"No doubt" Dame said jogging the direction of his apartment building.

Me, Jay, and TyTy live in the same building. When we got inside, Jay told Ty the same thing he told Dame. They daped, then Ty went inside his apartment door across from Jay's and mines.

Me and Jay went back into his place to chill like before. He went to his room, I went to the living room to sit and try to process what I just witnessed.

Jay came back in seconds later. "You good, Bey?" He asked sitting beside me. I just stared at the muted TV. He sighed. "Look Bey, I'm sorry. I know I promised, but it was either kill or be killed at that moment, and I don't plan on seeing my judgment day any time soon. So I had to do what I had to do" He said in one breath.

"Jay, you shot him and then just left him there, what if he dies?" I said about to cry.

"So, he tried to shoot me and almost shot you in that process. I don't give a damn about that nigga, and you shouldn't either" He said eyeing me.

"I've never seen someone get shot before, Jay" I said as a tear fell from my eye.

"I know, Beybey" he sighed and held me. "I know, I'm sorry I did that in front of you" he said holding me as I cried.

"Jay what if someone saw you?, what if you go to jail?, or worse, what if Rickey comes to get revenge?" I questioned crying into my bestfreinds chest as he held me.

"Bey, ima be alright okay, don't worry about me"

"How can I not worry about you jay!?, Your my bestfreind, I love you, and I don't wanna lose you over no stupid shit" I spat.

He sighed. "Beybey, I love you too. And you don't have to worry about losing me, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, I promise you that and I mean it, okay" he said rubbing my back.

"okay" I said hugging his waist. He kissed me on my forehead and I smiled."I love you, bighead" I told him.

He chuckled. "I love you more"

We just hugged up on the couch for a while until he got another phone call.

"This Jay, who this?....oh what up Dame...... for real?..... aw shit!" Jay hopped up. "Where they at?.....You sure?...alright nigga get out of there!....I'm good bro, just go....alright bye" Jay said as he hung up his cell and started pacing back and forth.

Never Let You Down | Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora