Chapter 30 "Nothing You Can Prepare For Pt.2"

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*At The Hospital*

We approached the front desk as soon as we walked in the hospital.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The woman sitting at the desk asked us.

"I need the room number for Shontelle Masson" Jay said

The woman typed on the computer. "Oh ok, she's on our paternity floor, are you the father of the child?"


She smiled. "Aww Congratulations, your girlfriend is on level 9"

"Thanks, and she's not my girlfriend" Jay said before grabbing my hand. "Come on"

We walked to the elevator and took it up to level 9. There's another front desk, we went to it.

"Hey, excuse me. Can I get the room number for Shontelle Masson asap, she's having my baby" He said to the nurse.

"Ok, just give me a second" She pulled some stuff up on the computer. "Oh geesh, looks like she's been rushed into labor. She's having the baby right now, do you want to be present while she's giving birth?"

"Uh.." He looked at me unsure, I shrugged.

What the hell he want me to say.

"Uh, yea, I guess" He said.

"Ok, she's in unit 6. Just follow the green line to the unit. You'll need to make sure you sanitize your hands and put a protective robe on before entering the room. A nurse will come out to take you, Mr Jay Z"

"Aight, thanks" He said walking away.

We followed the green line to unit six like the woman said. You can hear women screaming in their rooms, having their babies.

Jay washed his hands and put the the robe and stuff on like the doctor said. I sat down watching him. Its weird seeing him like this, he's really about to become a father.

"Wow, so you're about to have a baby. How you feeling?"

"Sh¡t, I'm nervous as hell, but excited" He said sitting next me. "I can't wait to hold my baby girl"

"Oh y'all having a girl" I didn't know since I haven't been around.

"Yea" he said smiling. "I'm gon spoil her sooo much"

I forced a slight smile through my uncontrollable jealously that I'm not his BM. "Y'all pick out a name yet?"

"Yea, we agreed on Shian. Shian Chanel Carter"

"Oh, that's cute"

"Yea, we ch-"

"Um excuse me, You're Jay Z right?" A man in scrubs asked interuppting us.


"Ok, I'm gonna be bringing you in the delivery room where your girlfriends in labor"

"She's not my girlfriend" He said standing.

"Oh sorry, I just assumed"

"It's cool"

Jay looked at me, I can tell he's anxious, I gave him a half smile. "Go, your baby's waiting to meet you"

He smiled. "I'll come get you when she's born so you can meet her"


"aight, see ya" he said walking off with the nurse.

I sighed sitting back, I guess I'll just wait here and read one of these magazines till he comes to get me.


Never Let You Down | Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant