Chapter 21

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    I felt a cold draft enter into the room. It was getting kind ofchilly and I snuggled closer to Don but my body feels nothing to snuggle to, just a space and some remnant heat. There is a strange smell in the room that is just wrong, very wrong.

    Startled by the realization that there is someone else in the room and Don is not here, I open my eyes only to find a strange man watching me .I couldn't see his face because of room was dark with only the light of the moon from the open window streaming in. His glowing eyes light up when he see my open eyes and his lips spread in such a sick grin ,it almost stopped my heart

   "Hello wolfie" he grinned at me
"Don't you look nice,  so I am going to put you to sleep now and then whisk you away like you dream about"

   Before I could ask what he was talking about,  I felt a syringe in my foot and a burning sensation that could only mean wolfsbane.

    My eyes droop and the last thing I see is his face

   The Vampire at the mall


     I was so tired and sleepy but someone kept shaking me.
I still want to sleep somemore and I try to curl myself up into a ball so that the person would go away but the shaking was persistent.

  "Wolfie" a voice hissed close to my ear
"Wolfie,  if u don't wake up right now . I. Will. Start. Cutting body parts, I will enjoy it but u definitely won't like it baby.  I just want to play with my wolfie".

   Two things immediately registers to me. One, The voice was not Dom's and two, he was going to hurt me.  I jerked up so fast my head hits his.  It felt so cold and hard, it hurt a lot

  My eyes met his Gold eyes and I could feel he was laughing at me.

"Hey,  Wolfie.  How are you feeling now ?." he asked softly unlike the voice he had used to threaten me.

  "Where am I? " I gently asked so as not to provide him because my instinct told me he was not to be trifled with.

"I think I asked first so how about you answer me or I will break your pretty little jaw"

  His voice was so menacing, it sounded like a large cat hissing. I would know. I do at times too when I am very pissed. So that meant he was pissed

   " I am still a bit dizzy" I said in a small voice to placate him

  "You will feel better in a bit but first let me just say u are very beautiful"  his golden eyes were growing darker by the minute then I realised I in a night gown that was not mine because it didn't smell like me and I preferred Dom's shirts.

  Dom. My heart beat sped up.  He must have found out I was gone and will be driving himself nuts right now.  Wait,  why can't I feel  him right now. Another wave of panic flooded my soul.

  '"You are thinking about him aren't you?. The one I took you from.  Let us get one thing clear you are mine.  I am not letting you go.  You have been promised to me, I just had a hard time finding you.  Your dad hid u so well"

" You know my father?.  Does he know you are here? "

"I know your father and your mother. Your mother was mine like you are now but she ran away with that father of yours, said he was her mate.  She was mine,  my mate, my best friend. She loved me till your father stole her from me" he screamed. When he finally calmed down, he smiled that creepy smile.

"Oh I know all about you,  you are part panther from your mother.  I don't know how she did that but her panther lives in you. I can tell by her scent hence the fact that you are mine."

  My mother died during a rouge attack a long time ago so I don't know about any of this just that my dad always tells me that i am a lot like my mother. No one ever said I smelled like her or even looked like her.  I got some of her features and some of dad's too.  My brother though looked a lot like mom.

   "Does it come as a shock, baby. Since you now know why you are mine let us proceed. "

   He was so fast I couldn't track him , in seconds he had my hands in his and he was kissing me quite ferociously.  I didn't like his kisses, he tasted wrong . My wolf who has been silent all this while started howling in my head.  He ripped my gown, his hands roaming my body,  I felt disgusted with my body at that moment when I saw the appreciation in his eyes. For the first time in my life ,I hated my body because he wanted it. Every part of me he touched felt like it was been bathed in acid. I tried so hard to fight him off but my fights were getting him more turned on if I could go by the glow in his eyes.  Sick.  Absolutely sick.

"Such sift skin, such feisty soul,  beautiful tears" he mumbled whilst leaving playful bites on my skin.

I kept fighting to get away from him and his touch but he held me tighter crushing me to him.  It felt so wrong.  I have never felt so helpless and violated. My wolf kept yipping and tugging my mind. She was trying to take control .Eventually, she successfully dragged me back and came forth.  I could hear her snarling but I could not bring myself to feel anymore . I felt so cold, I could not understand if it was from him or me. I kept thinking of how Dom wouldn't take me back and how I was betraying him.  My wolf kept fighting, her claws finding flesh but it was not enough the bastard kept laughing at us. 

Lilith's wolf

I hissed spat in his eye while fighting him. Full grown cat spit.  Lily was in danger and I am going to help her . He roared as the spit hurt his eyes. A sense of satisfaction ran through me.  At least, the leech could feel pain.  With the realization came a tiny tugging inside of me like something inside me was coming forth.

The tiny light inside me was getting bigger and more forceful till I heard our mother's voice in my head.  We have never heard the voice before we knew the instant we heard it.  I felt Lily as stir and pay attention from the sleeping state she was in

"Trust me, I will protect you,   but you need to give me total control, I can help you"

I felt Lilith give her consent
So I did what was best for us,  I gave it.


   Ohayo, Beautiful people.
This particular chapter is for all of you amazing people who did not give up on this book. All of you who kept adding this books to your libraries and reading list.  Those of you who voted. God I can't say how much I love and appreciate you.  You have me the strength and courage to go on when I had given up. 
  I stand by my earlier promise to see this book through and knowing you guys love it makes it easier.  Stay safe.
  Love, Kandee

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2020 ⏰

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