Chapter 13

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   I felt a pressure around my mid section and I groaned shifting away from the whatever was holding me down but it just gripped me tighter . Slowly I opened my eyes to see what was holding Me hostage only to find myself in a strange room . Actually the room seemed very familiar but I couldn't remember whose. I turned around slowly only to find myself staring at a dark haired beauty and pretty lips that begged to be kissed, he looked so youthful in his sleep and light snores where coming from his lips. It was adorable, my wolf was begging me to stay in his arms a little more and I couldn't help but agree but just then , nature called and I had to go. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed to come down then I started struggling with the limb holding me down only for him to squeeze tighter making my bladder resistance wary and I tried to hold back.

   I poked his cheek and watched as he opened his beautiful green eyes that had me sinking in their depth but then my bladder presses again and I groaned . this is so embarrassing.

"I have to go" I whispered and he frowned pulling me closer. "I am never letting you go "he said to me in that deep husky morning voice that made my heart beat faster.
"I mean I have to use the toilet "I explained while wincing from the torture of having to hold on for so long. Then I saw his eyes widen in comprehension before let me go and I bounced up from the bed while heading for where the bathroom was in my room only to hit a wall then I remembered that for some reason I wasn't in my room . So I looked over to the green eyed devil that was watching me with an amused smirk before he pointed at a door at the opposite from where I was . Then I ran over to where he pointed . I got in, did my business and luckily for me, there was an extra tooth brush in the bathroom so I didn't have to ask Dom. I still don't understand why I am not in my room and why Dom was sleepibg in my bed ,last time I checked he couldn't stand my presence without being a jackass and also I couldn't remember the past three days. I intended to get answers as soon as I step out .

    On entering the room I was hit by the scent of my mate and suddenly my senses kicked into overdrive and I felt the need to tackle him to the ground and rape him. My wolf was agreeing to that idea very much . in my lust induced trance, I walked up to him and kissed him full on the mouth pressing myself against him so I could feel every part of him. Suddenly it became so important that I felt his skin on mine. He responded to my kisses quickly dominating it.

"You shouldn't do that little mate." He whispered darkly in my ear and I groaned out loud at how sexy his voice sounded . I guess that did it because he growled out loud then slammed me against a wall while touching me everywhere. His fingers reached into my shirt and stroked my stomach while his lips wrecked havoc on my neck.

"Dom" I moaned out and tugged his hair to which he responded with a sexy growled. He lifted my shirt over my head and discarded it to a far end of the room then proceeded to worship my body admist of moans and groans from me. He dipped a finger inside my wet heat and stroked the tender flesh while I cried out and arched my back. He went faster and faster then added another finger and kept going catching up to his former rhythm.

    I was so close to the edge I could reach for the stars , I was floating in space and heading for sun. Then I felt it, his teeth were right on the spot where he would mark me, his teeth gazing the tender flesh there, I wouldn't let him Mark me.

"Dom"I breathed out in panic but he didn't hear me, his fingers were still playing with me and I cried out as another wave brought me closer to the edge.

"Dom" I cried louder, my panic now clearly visible. He groaned out loud but I felt his fangs retarat but his fingers continued slipped in and out still.

"Please, little mate let me give you this pleasure" he said to me in that husky voice as he stared down into my eyes. His eyes held lust and sadness. I cried out and closed my eyes while he kept working his magic.
"Fuck. Little mate open your pretty eyes .Let me watch you shatter. " he growled and went even faster hitting that spot inside . I felt myself clenching around his finger gasping and moaning before I felt it hit me

"Dom" I screamed out loud not caring who heard me . I felt my inside turn into liquid and gushed out of me,soaking Dom's pant and fingers . I ground my hips around riding out my orgasm and I heard groan in approval and I haven't even touched him. Just hearing his  sound made me gush out more liquid as my body came again. He held a cum soaked finger to his mouth and sucked it off before bring the second one to my mouth.
"Taste yourself,little mate, you taste amazing"he drawled and I opened my mouth to accept his juiced finger and licked it clean all the whilst looking into his eyes. He then let me down before straightened my hair . my wolf was putting that he was grooming us. She was sated and so was I

   When I finally found my voice, I couldn't help but ask if what I had just gone through was normal .
"Little mate, we just found out you are a squirter. And that is just so hot . I am tempted to try again"he whispered in my ear and I nodded .

"what about you?" I asked him still feeling comfortable around him. He raises his eyebrow to my question. "Me what?" He teased . He kissed me lips again. I loved his lips .Love?… I felt my walls grows back up at the thought of loving anything about him , I hate him.

I disentangled my self from him much to my wolfs disappointment. "Never mind, I needed the release, thanks " I said in a cold voice while trying to push him away from me.

   After much trial and failure, he finally let me go with a sigh while watching me with wary eyes. Before I realized again that I wasn't in my room

"And where the fudge am I? I all but yelled at him

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