Chapter 18

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I could feel sparks over my body and I shuddered in pleasure. I gradually opened my eyes to see Dom staring at me ,his hand drawing tight patterns around my hips.

He was looking so delicious, his bed hair made him look so mouthwatering but I had to get out of bed because today was my day out so I tried to scramble out of his arms

"Where are you going ,sweetheart?" He growled in my ear and I actually moaned out loud. Damn this boy was bad for my health

"Dom, you said today was my day out and I need an early start" I pouted at him while playing with his hair.

"Good girls always give their daddies good morning kisses" he told me in that sultry voice

I pretended to think for a while
"Sure, I will give him one when I see him then"I replied cheekily only to receive a pinch on my ass.

"We both know I wasn't talking about your father, princess. Don't make me spank you "he growled in my ear

I rolled my eyes and turned over to give him a kiss which quickly turned into many kisses but I will not be distracted so I quickly rolled over, straddling him and began to grind into him. His eyes closed in pleasure and sexy moans poured out of his mouth but still I will not give up my day out so I quickly jumped off him and hurried into the bathroom.

I could hear him swearing and growling and that made me giggle but he let out one loud growl that made me hot and bothered

"Baby girl, you are going to regret that" he promised through the door

"But Daddy, its my day out. You kept me chained to you for more than two weeks. I want my friends" I whined like a little girl because I knew he liked that shit.

"But baby daddy also needs his kisses too. Let daddy take care of you then you can have all day to yourself. I need you to wear my scent on your skin so everyone will know you are mine. Please princess"

I could hear the pleading in his voice, he must be really desperate. It was kinda hard for him to let me go but he was trying for me so I could do this for him too so I pulled the door open to let him in.

"Since you are begging so earnestly , I guess I can consider your needs" I smiled at him and batted my eyelashes at me . He smiled at picked me up and gave me the best shower ever

One hour later, I was in a red corset top ,blue jean and a black leather jacket putting on my red lipstick While Dom was lying on the bed watching me dress up.

"Do you really have to go?" He asked .

"Yes Alpha, I do. But I will be back soon.

"You are mine princess, my Luna, my Queen, always keep that in mind" he whispered as he hugged me from behind and i nodded. This guy is really sweet.

Chilling with Jas at the shopping mall closest to the pack. We went with a few of our pack girls that thought I will be a good idea to go shopping together . besides I need to know my pack members

The Luna is the minister of women affairs to the pack. We guide and protect the women and children, more like a mother and a big sister so shopping with the girls was just a way to get closer to them

"Luna, what should we do next?" Sapphire, one of the girls asked.

We have gone to all the stores available but mostly window shopping . We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time I overspent.

"I think we deserve a little girly time, don't you girls?" Jas asked
the girls. I am so glad Has is my beta female, it makes my job easier. We found a little spa shop where we treated our selves to massages and manicures. We even got matching nails stripes.

"Luna , we are really sorry for how the alpha treated you, we wish we had could have something about it or at least warned Sandra" Lia told me while we were getting our nails done.

"Please call me Lilith and there is nothing you would have done . Its okay, Dom and I are totally over it" I assured her

"So when are are going to officially become Luna?" Another girl spoke up

"Yea. When?" Jas teased, obviously enjoying the fact that I was in the hotel seat .

"we are working towards it. You will know when the deed has been done" I said almost bashfully which led to a round of snickers from the girls.

Then we went dress shopping, Each of the girls got at least one pretty dress. I told them to keep it for my mating ceremony. I had to give them hope and it worked cause they all got excited.

Last of all we went to a cafe to get coffee and snacks.

"So how are your training schedules like?" I asked them. I actually haven't seen them in action and if we are judging by Sandra little rant, it is really bad.

I could see the girls eyes immediately went downcast and some we twiddling their thumbs.

Jas and I looked at each other and clearly she was feeling what I was feeling .

"You don't train?" I asked in a exasperating tone. The just shook their head

Now I feel bad. I just killed a person with no battle skills. What nowadays leave the women defenceless .

"Well, from tomorrow , you will start training . I will not accept this. Girls are not supposed to be only pretty faces you know. We are strong , almost as strong as the men and we will learn to defend ourselves. Starting tomorrow , I will be your trainer and we will learn how to kick some butts"

Jas affirmed what I had just said and we will teach our women to be fierce. Like Beyonce fierce.

As we rounded up our little party after lots of gisting and sharing stories and beauty tips, we decided to go home. Well they were going home , I will be going for a food tasting in town.

Jas called Emmets to come pick them up while I got ready to go for the food tasting event. I still had a few hours left so I decided to call Dom. He picked up on the first ring

"Lil, what's wrong, where are you" his voice sounded desperate.

"Calm down, Dom, I am fine, what are you doing?".

"Thinking of you, thinking of what to eat"

"You want to hang out at the mall, I have got a few hours left"

"Are you asking me on a date Lily, and why not come home?"

"Because I know you will hold me down, and yea I am asking you Out. Are you coming?"

"Yea Baby girl, I will be right there. Finished my last meeting 20 mins ago"

Just then someone hit me, he smelled of alcohol and something else I couldn't place my nose on and gave me bad vibes. My phone dropped on impact and we both bent to reach for it when he grabbed my hand instead . I tried to pull my hands back but he held on. His hands were really cold.

"Let go right now or else I will not be responsible for your suffering" I ground out in anger

He dropped my hands after a while and I looked up to see his face but he was wearing a hoodie and he was gone from before me in a flash that was not human or were which could only mean one thing


Just then, I felt the familiar stirring of the mate bond . I turned around and Dom was right behind me

"Whats wrong, I sense your fear Lil, I came as fast as I could and why do you smell strange"

I just hugged him and buried my face in his chest and took deep breath of his scent to rid my lungs of the acid smell

" I think I just met a vampire"

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