Chapter 15

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   My papa was here. For once my wolf was just content being our father's arms. She kept purring in my head, happy with his touch. I didn't want to let go of his embrace so he picked me up in his arms then went to the living room to sit. I can be such a little girl at times but only for my father . I think it is the downside of being a wolfcat because I start rubbing myself all over him much like a house cat does.

        My mate just burst into the room. Actually he didn't but his presence did. My papa just held me to him much to my comfort.

"Alpha Dom, pleasure to meet to meet you again" papa said in a nice voice. I internally rolled my eyes at that. What is going on here . Your daughter disappears for a month and some weeks,almost dies and here you are exchanging pleasantries with the cause of the matter . I mentally stomped my foot . I am such a baby but no one is complaining.

"I am very fine ,Alpha Luca ,now that my mate is here. Little mate, do you want to see your friends?. Stephan being asking after you since he heard you were here" he asked quietly but I didn't answer him.

"Baby,your mate is asking you a question.You should answer him. I raised you better." My papa prodded.

   "Not now" I snipped not looking at him but I think he got the message. I could feel his frustration through the bond and it was suffocating me. I wanted nothing but to run over to him and kiss him till he forgot all his worries but wanting ain't getting now,is it?.

"Baby,you wanna go for a run" papa offered and I quickly nodded. I would do just about anything to get out of this room ,away from this feeling. My father dropped me and we walked out together.

    First ,we took a short and two shirt from the emergency clothes wardrobe then we ran into the forest before shifting into our wolves mid run.

   We let our wolves take control for the run, they knew better. While I was sleeker bounding and leaping graciously over roots and shrubs, papa was a tad faster shooting like a bullet across the field till we got to a clearing with a small river. I dived into the river after my dad and wallowed in it till my dad signalled me to go change.

  Putting on the shirt that reached my mid thigh, I stepped out of the bush to see my father has changed already and sitting on the soft grass looking at the sky. Slowly, I walked towards him to sit very close to him.

    "We need to talk, gattina."

   As soon as those words left his mouth, I knew what was coming.

"Before your mother died, her last wish was for me to ensure that you are happy. She loved you ,your mother. Still does. What did she tell you a mate was" he spoke softly

  My mother died since I was eight but she used to tell me stories about mates all the time. I missed her so much

   "A mate completes you, your other half. Just like ying and yang. You fit into each other and strike a balance. She said I was too young to understand then I would someday. " I answered papa meekly. Grief pierced my heart at the thought of my mother. She died in a rouge attack leaving just me and papa. He misses her a lot, when I was younger I used to hear him silently cry over her pictures but he never neglected me for once.

   "You have grown so much but you still don't understand it. Yin and yang .There is the dark part and the light part. Everything both sides do compliments the other side. I am not vying for Your mate or something neither am I saying what he did was right but it made you stronger. Better. I love you and I want you to be happy. Give Dom a chance , let him fight for you. Then if he misuses the opportunity, then we can strangle him together." He told me all too serously .

   I digest all what he said and my wolf was begging me to listen to our father. So I decided to give him a chance like papa said and my wolf began jumping for joy in my head making me laugh at her antics.

   I just rested my head on papa's shoulders and watched the river flow.

"How is brother papa?" I asked him and he shrugged

"Still the rascal you know but he is coming into the alpha he was born to be".

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