Chapter 9

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     I have been here for about a month now. Everyone has been nice to me including Jasper's mate Lorraine after she had gotten over the fact that her mate came home smelling like me but after we explained to her ,she was surprisingly understanding.

     After chatting with her a while ,I discovered that we actually have a lot in common and she also likes to dance . Yay for me. She loves hiphop while I love salsa and pole dancing. I taught her a few of my moves and Jasper ended up thanking me for hours on end. It was so funny. Now we have our own hip hop and pole dancing routine which Jasper's sister ,Jasmine ,filmed on her phone but we had to bribe her not to put it online. We can't have Dominic track that now ,can we?

    I still feel his pain though ,not knowing where I am at is driving him crazy but I only feel sensations. For normal wolves, both parties would have been suffering but a kick ass wolf like mine with a bit of big cat is detached from the scene by some special ability of hers which I am thankful for.

    My life now is filled with fun, I feel like I am rediscovering myself. I guess when pain breaks you then you build yourself back up to how you want you to be. With no papa to hold me down, I took more dance classes with Lor and Jasmine. I am surprised papa hasn't come here to find me or maybe he knows where i am.

That tricky old fox.

I worked more with children from the orphanage and those kids are little bundles of joy. I love them like my own. But I have still not told the FAM gang ,as I like to call Jasper's family, why I am here and I still haven't contacted papa . I miss my papa so much I wish I could go back to him but It is too risky. No doubt if Dom knew I was there , he would march with the whole army of the pack to get me back.

    My wolf is happy here when I am around family but when I am alone she just quiets down. She just wants her mate but she understands what he did to me to us was not fair so she doesn't push me much. But I feel her pain whenever she see Jasper and Lorraine acting like how proper mates should act.

    I also learned how to fight more. At home ,sure I trained. But I always felt that my pack members where afraid to hurt me so they go easy on me but here no one knows who I am except the Alpha and his family so I could train properly with nobody fearing me. I feel like I had become a better person . Not that I was not a good person before but I improved a lot. My wolf and I were proud of us.


Dom's POV

      It has been one month already since my mate ran away from me to God knows where. I know she is alive and not in danger and that only calms my wolf a bit. I haven't slept in ages and I was very irritable. I would snap at pack members at every turn and even those sluts were not safe around me anymore.

  "Alpha" my beta walks into my room cautiously because lately I have been frustrated and angry.

"We still haven't gotten anything about the Luna. Its like she disappeared off the surface of the earth . No money has moved out of her account, she hasn't even contacted her father. Maybe we should give up the search " Emmet told me and it made my wolf and I angry, The next thing I know I am holding Emmet by the scruff of his shirt.

" Don't you dare say that to me. You will continue to search for her. She couldn't possibly disappear .Maybe you are not searching hard enough" I breathe down his neck, I feel my wolf surfacing but I keep him locked in. I don't want to kill my beta, he is my trustee so yea.

    Just then my gamma Julius burst through the door, I dropped Emmet to face him.

"We found her" he exclaimed.

I felt relief wash over my soul . My wolf was tipping and clawing at the back of my mind for us to go get her but I had to keep him calm so I can get the rest of the detail before I burst through the door .

"Where is she?" I asked gruffly,trying to be can but failing woefully.

"Well" started the gamma "some people sighted a female that looks exactly like the picture you gave us and she is was sighted on Rising moon pack land. Apparently she is living with the Alpha's family ,enrolled for 4 dance classes under the name Suzzanah. "He finished but all I heard was Rising moon pack, the rest where extraneous material .

    I looked over to the beta who seemed very happy to take in the information but then again he was her friend so I can't blame him and she is Luna here, everyone wants to get her back. I caused her nothing but pain for reasons unknown, if only I had taken my wolf's advice to talk things through I wouldn't be in this mess.

   I will get my mate back and by the moon goddess above, I intend to make her very and extremely happy. But that will come right after I drag her back here, willingly or not. With that thought in I mind I smile back to my gamma and beta

"Get ready we are going to get my mate".

My wolf howled at the thought of seen his mate, our mate and he even made a few threats of what he would do to me if I messed this up.

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