Chapter 11

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Lilith's POV

   I could feel his presence in the terrioty . I could feel his anger. I just hope Jasper had that showered before Dom got there. If not he would find me faster.

I was at the orphanage with my kids. He couldn't find me here . the orphanage was at the further end of the land. My kids and I were playing tag when I smelled it. My mate was here. I could feel him and smell him. I saw a dark wolf watching me with dark swirling depths. My attention was rivetted on the wolf .Suddenly, it was like as if it was just two of us left in the world. Then he went into the forest.

Then he appeared again, wearing nothing but a pair of dark red short. My kness left like  jelly. It was like my fantasy man just walked out of a model catalog. Dark hair that was like he just walked out of bed, his arm muscles not buff but just right and then his abs. I think my ovaries just exploded. Lord, have mercy on me and I could feel my arousal heightening.

   A tugging brought me out of my reverie as a child looked at me. I bent down to hear her.

"Its lunch time, Mrs Molls made chicken pie, will you join us" I turned around to see the kids all looking at me with big doe eyes and I gave them a soft smile .

"Sure,now go have your bath and I will join you soon"

They all cheered and ran inside .

    My mate then stepped out of the woods in all his masculine glory that just had my wolf purring at the sight before us.

   "Hello mate"I heard his husky voice and I could imagine it telling me dirty things but I quickly shook off the lust and turned my Expresionless face.

"What are doing here, Dom?" I spat out, already irritated by his presence.I watched as he saunters towards me and ending front of me. Then starting looking at me up and down before he crushed me to himself. I was quite shocked by his actions and I couldn't help but take in his mouthwatering scent while he sniffed my hair.


He keep whispering over and over like a mantra. His voice sending shivers of pleasure down my spine and his breathe eliciting tingles from my skin. Sparks danced on where his fingers touched. I tried pull away but he held me closer.

"Lil please let me just calm my wolf, we can fight later. Just 2 more minutes please" I heard him mummbled in my hair . At least, he asked so I let my self relax and let his scent wash over me.
Then at last ,he pulled away.

"Go say goodbye to your friends because you are coming home with me right now" he growled and I growled back at him

"Still an asshole I see, by the way where are your collection of barbie sluts that you carry around." I snapped at him. He ran his hand through his hair and suddenly my hands wished to do the same.

"Is that why you ran here?, that is real mature of you Lil,"he yelled. My wolf was already getting pissed off. He might be an alpha but no one talks to us that way.

"I ran here to get away from you, to cause you pain. So you will know how it feels to be hurt by your own mate. To be so confused, you don't know what to do anymore. To make you feel what I felt and home is right here away from you" I hissed and moved away from him in attempt to walk away but he grabbed my arm and just then my wolf and I saw red. Just because he is my mate doesn't mean my wolf will take bullshit from him.

   I could feel my eyes change into slits and I hissed at him. He looked taken aback but I was past caring. I punched him with my free hand. I kept punching and clawing till he fell down and clutched his stomach. He couldn't stop me because he was a full blooded were wolf, hurting me physically will only mean hurting himself but I could detach myself from my wolfside and let my cat side out. Cats are solitary animals so mates dont mean too much to them especially when the said mate is an idiot.

   When I was done hitting him ,I crouched lower to meet his dark eyes with my amber slits.

"Tell me ,how does it feel been dusted into the ground by an over pampered and weak alpha's daughter." I mocked then got up to leave. He made no move to stop me as he was clearly still in shock of what he had just seen.


  On getting to the house, I saw Emmet and the gamma sitting down wafting down the pancake Jasmine was making . I squeaked and tackled Emmets to the ground. Jasmine immediately growled at me which made me jump off him and raise my eyebrows at them.

"This amazingly beautiful girl is my mate so hands off. Am taken" Emmet winked at me and I smiles at them .

"Wow. I am happy for you guys. Now I am like a sister-in law to myself." I gushed out earning chuckles from the gamma which made me snap to him

"Yo gamma" I snapped my fingers in his face "what's your name" I asked him .

"Julius at you service, Luna "he said in a fake British accent with bow at the end of his introduction. He didn't look like a Julius with platinum blonde hair and blue eyes . He looked like Ken or a Henry.

"I think I will call you Ken" I chirped while he groaned. I was about to go to my room when Emmet asked for Dom and I smiled

"Oh Dom. I think he is going to need help getting out of the dust I put him in" I fake sighed while everyone stared at me like I have gone crazy before Emmet and Ken burst out the door to look for their alpha while I sat down to eat the remaining pancake.

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