Chapter 6

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  Here I was chilling on a summer day with my new found bestie Stephan talking about stuff in general. I just found out that Stephan is an actual chef with the hat and everything and his father owns a long chain of restaurants in the country .

     I also learnt that his sister is one of the world class designers . I mean sticking to this guy . I might get introduced to those people. Food and fashion two things I will die for other than my friends .

   We were currently throwing pick up lines at each other . I taught him a bit of Mexican because he begged me and promised to make me his special sandwich . Just then the smell of the air changed and I suddenly choking on too much perfume followed by a high pitch sound that sounded like a dying hyena .

"This is can't get the alpha so you go for any guy you find." One of the alpha's slut yelled at me. Stephan was about to lunge at her but I held him back and stepped forward.
"Do you have a problem with me, if you do , come out straight and tell me" I said as Calmly as possible "I don't like playing games bitch"

She smirked at me and twirled her hair body sizing . I am a bit on the curvy side but this was just too much . I growled at her " slut, you should be out there searching for your mate not going after other people's mate "I snapped at her but she kept her smile on . "What will the alpha say if he saw you here alone with this unmated male " still smirking . I smirked back "who is gonna run to daddy and tell ?."

   Just them her eyes glazed over and Stephan lunged at her again while muttering words like "no ,no,no" . Then there was a great thundering of paws hitting the ground and within record time of five seconds. He shifted forms and tied a piece of cloth around his waist and put his hand on his hips. My wolf was panting at the sight of our mate looking so edible . I turned to see the bitch eyeing his ass too and I growled at her .


   "I must be pretty darn important for you to leave your alpha duties just to come see me chilling with my friend. "I smirked at him .

  "What are you doing little mate?"he growled out ,his voice so thick I was getting turned on slightly and I was getting butterflies in my stomach that he called me mate. "I am not little and I have a name that is not mate." I growled back . His brown eyes getting darker.

     His eyes narrowed at Stephan "I told you not to go near her "he yelled at him and Stephan lowered his head and showed his neck "I am sorry alpha but she was lonely "he stated honestly. Within a flash , Dom was holding him off the ground by his neck "What business of yours is it if she is lonely . she is mine" he said in a deathly calm voice and I knew I had to help Stephan. His wolf was in control and he would kill him if I didn't interfere.

    I walked towards them as slowly as possible because fast movement would put Stephan in danger. I let my scent envelop him as I rubbed my cheek on his and whispered his name to get his attention.  I held the hand that held Stephan and lowered it . He growled while I did it but other than that he didn't protest.

"Let him go Dom" I whispered to him but he didn't bulge so I had to do what I had to do "Please Dom, for me"I kissed his neck and instantly Stephan hit the floor and I told him to run which he did with no question

   "You disgust me,you defend your lover from me "he spat out and I snickered "look who is talking you play with your sluts ,parading them in my face but I do not complain so why do you?"I teased him . "Don't question me mate" he growled.

    "Don't question me Dom. I am not one of your snitching anorexic sluts whom you create STDs with . I am a my own person and I can do whatever the hell I want" I growled back holding his angry stare with one of mine.

   He smirked at me "Are you jealous of my anorexic sluts, mate ,that they get to give me pleasure instead of you "

   It hurt like hell;physically ,it was like he plunged a knife into my guts and twisted it ; emotionally , my heart felt like it had been stabbed a thousand times but I instead of showing pain and weakness ,

I snickered " I have seen and had better ".

    Wrong choice of words to use on an extremely volatile Alpha male after he just saw you with an unmated male . I watched as his eyes turned black as sin with no light in them . "What?!"he growled and yelled all at the same time . I swear people a mile from here could here us . I started to sweat and frisk as he advanced upon me . He grabbed me by the upper arm and started dragging me.  "Where are we going "I tried to claw him but he was apparently not feeling it.

We got to what seemed like a clinic and he stopped to stare at me "you are taking a test right now" he growled again . I swear if he growls one more time I will lose it.

    "I want a virginity test now for my mate"he said to doctor and I flinched at the words. He was hell bent on humiliating me at every turn ,the tears I have been holding back started to fall . I guess the scent of my tears drew his attention and he smirked " don't think you can handle it "he mocked ,he was expecting me to fail. I stood straighter and pushed all my alpha authority into my voice. "I will take the test and you will be sorry" I growled at him, even my wolf mass angry now. We kept ourselves  for our mate and this what we get humiliation . The machine was brought in and stood on it as it scanned me and showed a bright green light. Then the doctor told him that it means I am a virgin. I could see the apology in his eyes as he came closer and I threw a punch at him . " I have been wanting to do that" I growled

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