Chapter 8

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I heard wolves howling in every direction but they can't scent me so I am safe as I climb and jump from tree to tree. I just straight with no hindrances , grace and fluidity is my middle name.

   I sighted the pack boundary not too far from me. Looking around,there was no one so I jumped down to make a run for the border. Just then I heard a crack behind me followed by another. I turn around only to find Stephan staring at me with hurt eyes.


He bowed to me and I rolled my eyes.

    "Cut the bullshit Stephan, don't come near me. Don't want you to smell like me now"I told him before he did something stupid like tackle me or something .

    We kept staring at each other and I groaned inwardly why him why now. My wolf was just too quiet and I hated it.

    "Stephan,I need to leave right now. I am so sorry but I can't stay with your jerk of an alpha right now . I will be back okay?" i went straight to the point and hr nodded in understanding and I gave him one last smile before running forward. I couldn't turn back now so I ran straight to the pack border and across it .

     Slowing down to catch my breath I felt empty inside .I could feel my mates panic and pain but I shut it out focusing on where to go now.

I can't go back to my pack ,I mean obviously , that is the first place he is going to search. Then it hit me, it was time to visit an old friend of mine . I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Jasper, my brother from another pack . He didn't pick up till the third ring . typical. "Hey Suz, long time no talk. I smiled at the name, it been long any called me Suz. My name was Lilith Suzzanah Marisol Rivera.

"I missed you"his voice a few notches deeper than I remember.

   "Jas, my man. I need a huge favour,I am coming over to your pack soon. I need a place I can stay low key for a while. I will explain when I get there" I whispered into the phone and he sighed .

"Always welcome here Suz," he called back and I smiled for the first time in hours . "Thanks Jas, you are the best "

I hung up and crushed the phone burying in the soil. I guess I learnt a few things from movies

    Voices where heading this way so I changed into my black wolf and ran across the wood, darting and weaving around trees. I haven't ran like this in a while and even my wolf was excited, she was yipping and howling in my head urging me to run faster. I ran past about five territories in an hour before I came to the black moon pack border.

     I could sense the Patrol wives coming closer to check the invader . I just sat there and let them come to me. I saw a big brown wolf coming towards me and I immediately recognized the scent .


I ran forward despite the snarls from the other wolves and let my wolf rub against his in a friendly gesture. His eyes turned glassy and I knew he was in a mind link conversation. I guess he was telling the other wolves to back the hell off because they began to step back and disappear into the surrounding forest. The big wolf that was my friend then stepped behind a tree and morph back to his human form .

   He looked so different from my memory. He has really shaped up to the post of future alpha. I mean he looked the part, all muscles and brooding eyes but I knew he was still my jasper by the smile on hid face. His smile is still that crazy loopy smile that I used to laugh at. He had brown hair hair and black eyes .

   He handed me a shirt that I guess he found in the bushes. We weres hide lots of clothes in the surrounding just in case of an emergency which there always is by the way. I walked behind the tree and changed into the shirt which came up to my mid thigh but it was okay.

      Stepping out of the bush I had changed in, I hugged him so tight I think I broke his ribs but he is an alpha ,he'll get over it. I felt him rub my back and it calmed me a lot .

     My wolf over the years has come to think of him and other people here as family.
"Suzza ,what trouble did you get yourself in again?"he asked in a playful stern voice. I giggled remembering the last time I heard that . I ran away from home because my dad won't let me out of the house and stayed with his family for close to two weeks before my dad literally had to drag me home. Good times that year.

"I didn't do anything. Ask Mother Moon. I have been good" I told him in a childish voice that had him in stitches.

"My mate would so glad to meet you" he told me while while rubbing my hair and instantly I felt that emptiness again but I put up a smile and playfully hit his chest

"I never heard you found your mate and you let me touch you . Now she will be mad at us. What else are you hiding from me?" I glared at him while walking towards the pack house. He picked up his pace and walked beside me.

"So tell me about this mate of yours?" I asked hoping to fill the silence and emptiness in my heart. I watched his face brighten up at the thought of his mate and he had this wistful look on his face as he told me about her. My heart just broke the more hearing the love in his voice. Why can't I have normal mate.

Alpha DomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora