Chapter 10

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Lilith POV

My wolf has surprisingly been more active since yesterday. She has been bouncing around in my head and yipping so much that I can't help but be happy for her. Maybe she is finally content here. Just then I heard a knock on my door and Jasper came inside with an apprehensive look that had me worried.

"Jasper, are you okay?. Is Lot okay ,what's going on?"I rushed out

He looked at me steady for. A while before taken a deep breath

"Your mate is coming for you" he said in a worried tone and just then I had a panic attack. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The next thing I saw where black dots dancing around and Jasper yelling my name then it turned all black.

I woke up what seemed like minutes later with a pounding headache and the words ringing in my head

"mate is coming"

My wolf was ecstatic , she literally wanted to burst out and run into her mate's arms but I wouldn't allow that . I tried scrambled off the bed only to have arms hold me down. I need to get away before he sees me here. I tried clawing who was holding me to hear groans of pain buy they didn't let up.

"Dear moon" I heard Jasper's voice . I calmed down only a bit.

"Lilith, calm down. You are okay, you are safe" he was hugging me now and rubbing my back. I felt something wet run down my face, I didn't know I was crying.

"Why didn't you tell me about your mate "he asked when I had calmed down totally. He was still sitting on the bed holding me .

"I hate him so much" I spat out and my wolf whimpered at the force of my confession and Jasper sighed while lifting a hand to stroke my hair.

"You know you can't hate your mate right?" Jasper told me "No matter how much you try. He was made for you and you for him. But what exactly did he do to warrant the hatred" he soothed and I poured out the entire story to him.

"Wow. What an asshole. Whatever you choose to do to him, I am in full support"Jasper spat at the end of my story while looking like he was about to kill someone. I smiled a bit at that and a plan formulated in my head. Looks likes am going to see my babies then


Dom's POV

After putting a call across to Alpha Jake,the alpha of the Rising moon pack with a whole lots of threats. I got ready to head out. Just myself,the beta and the gamma. We weren't going to war so no need for the extra hands beside an alpha desperate for his mate is not really someone you should piss off.

"Alpha Jake has open his borders to us so we go in, grab the Luna and head out. This is no fun at all"I heard my gamma groan out. The boy is just too blood tasty for my liking sometimes. We were riding across packlands fast. The closer we were to the Rising moon ,the more I could femel her.

All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain my heart as black dots dance in my face and I felt lightheaded. The only thing keeping me from fainting was the fact that my beta held me up and the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Drive faster,something Is going on with her" I pressured Julius who was driving. Then slowly ,about twenty minutes later, I felt fine meaning she was fine and then panic ,pain and anger gripped me but they were not my own. It was hers . I haven't felt her emotions like this since she left. Sometimes I felt her happiness and also her pain but this was too much. I think maybe she found out I am coming over to get here. We better get there fast before she escapes again.

About ten minutes later, we got to the border of the land. I could see the patrol wolves running along side the car inside the forest before they go back to their post. I rolled down the window to smell the surrounding and I could subtly smell the sweet heady scent. She was here.

We got to the pack house about three minutes later . When her scent hit me again, this time from a male walking past me .He had been touching my mate. Even my wolf let out a. Huge growl at that and my hand shot out and I threw him against a wall.

As he hit the wall, his body slumped on the ground. I could feel he was an alpha male and it just made me angrier. I could hear growls from his pack mrmvers but when Emmet abd i gave out a growl of our own , everywhere turned silent. I moved closer to where he fell and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Where is my mate?" I asked him lowly, every word a threat and a promise of pain to him. He raised his brown her to look at me in the eye. Just then, my name was called.

"Alpha Dominic ,you will do well to leave my son this instant" I heard a gruff voice say behind me. Alpha Jake, no doubt . Just as I stepped away, a tiny red head rushed past me to kneel close to him and tend to him. Tears running down her face as she checked him all over for injury. I felt my heart squeeze at the gesture but I kept am expressionless face.

"My mate is here and I want her back now" I growled and I heard a chuckle behind me. I wpped my head so fast I was surprised it didn't snap.

I moved closer to him only for the red head whom am guessing is his mate to stand front of him

"Move back Alpha Dominic ,will you" she said with a sickly sweet smile and fire dancing in her eyes. Just like my Lilith.

Her said mate was already up and smirking at me. This kid I'd getting on my nerves.

"The mate you humiliated or the one that came here just to get away from you" he growled at Mr and I growled back.

You know what fuck this shit. I stepped outside and morphed into my dark furred wolf . I can my mate faster in this form. All I have to do is give my wolf most of the control.

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