"Dan! Let's go try that one." Staring at the longest ride in the whole park- her face lights up. He looks at the ride- then back to her. And repeat again.

He knew she is an audacious woman- but that wasn't in his blood.

This woman is not scared of dying. Hell, he doesn't even know what she fears. She was once locked in a room with all the discs of Wrong Turn- which she watched and came out with no hint of fear. He shakes his head gawking at the ride in motion- man or no man, he was not going to get on that!

"Do you want to kill us Leigh, are you mad!?" He exclaims looking at her with his eyes wide. The beat his heart picked up was beyond explainable, it was as if it was about to burst from its rib cage.

Judging by the look in his irises- she knew that victory wasn't on her favour- so she did the only thing that makes him fall for her charms. She puppied eyes him.

"Pleaseee!" Like a little baby crying for candy she whines- one look at her eyes and he was gone. Albeit he didn't admit it too soon.

"No." A little frown hardens her beautiful features at his reply. "Dan, I wanna." She speaks stomping her foot. Blinking repeatedly, she looks at his eyes to see if she was winning.

To her relief- she was. Or that's what she thought: "No Leigh! Choose another one!" He tries to take her hand into his to drive her away but she was fast enough to move back so he missed.

She wasn't going to let it go that easily- oh no!

"Why'd you bring me here if you're not going to take the ride I want Danny? Why?" He had the urge to throw her on his shoulder but decided against it. She doesn't take defeat in her stride so going against her is worthless.

"Fine- fine." He admits defeat.

Emotional blackmail sure does work she thought to herself- he had become immune to her puppy eyes trick. Words seem to do the work in a snap.

Standing in the line for over an hour and half- she feels her legs starting to protest. Her pride was too big to let him know of the pain on her feet. He was going to get out of the line in an instant. She knee better than to argue with him when he's mad. And she wasn't having that.

He could sense there was something off with her- the once bubbly woman was now silent- standing with her arms around his waist.

"Do you want something to drink, to eat?" She smiles looking at him appreciatively- and nods.

"Water and cotton candy please!" He simply shakes his head hearing her choice of food. She is not the one for sugar but when she consumes it- she turns into a toddler. "I'll be right back." She nods as he place a kiss on her forehead. "Better pray I find you in front of the line or else we're leaving." In no mood for arguments- she rolls her eyes in response and watch him disappear in the crowd of people.

She had been yawning repeatedly standing in the line. Luck was on her side at the moment- she was pretty close to riding the long monster.

Her heart skips a beat with every step she takes furthermore. But her main concern was Dan who's still not present.

She was thinking of all the things she was going to torture him with for not returning.

Standing in the line now looking for a blonde British man- she didn't even notice the line had moved.

A young girl had to snap her back to reality. Which she apologized for.

Like a jack in a box he magically appears in front of her. With tons of goodies in a small bag.

Desolate Hearts. [ON HOLD]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن