Chapter 12

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  It's been a whole week since I've seen the brown headed boy, and it's been a week since I've heard any sexual noises coming from his apartment, and it's been a week since I've seen him in the coffee shop.

  I was back at the coffee shop, back to work on a Monday, and I couldn't stop overwhelming my mind with thoughts. Did I say something wrong to him? Should I knock on his door and apologize for throwing away our friendship?

  What friendship?

  There is no friendship and there never will be, because he thinks I hate him now. What if he hates me? What if that's why he stopped talking to me? What if he's found someone else to write the song with and no longer needs me?

  "Hello?" The man in front of me snapped his fingers at my face, gaining my attention. "Listen to me, you prick. I said I want a latte to go, and it better taste perfect- You know, since you apparently suck at giving good service."

  I nodded my head and sighed as I started to make the mans coffee. I made sure to make it perfectly, in hopes that I wouldn't get fired anytime soon. When I stepped back to the register, I told the man his total and he rolled his eyes at me.

  "Wow, expensive coffee for such terrible mannered people working here." He said as he pulled out a five dollar bill and threw it on the counter. I clenched my jaw as I reached for it and gave the man his change and drink.

  He took a sip of it while eyeing me down, then he made a poisonous face as he spit the coffee on the floor in front of him. "What the fuck is this? Make it again, asshole!" He said. Next thing I knew, he was opening the lid to the cup and splashed the coffee all over me, soaking every bit of my clothes and people gasped as they witnessed the man do this to me.

I look down at my wet clothes and apron and I frown with tears forming in my eyes. Why did I deserve that? I slowly look back at the smirking man and a tall man walk up behind him and taps his shoulder, causing him to turn around. I look up to see the one and only Kim Namjoon with a pissed off look on his face.

"What the hell was that for?" Namjoon said, walking towards the man and causing him to stumble backwards. "He didn't deserve that. Leave now or I'm calling the police."

"Why would I leave? I'm getting my coffee." The man said with a growl. Namjoon stepped closer to him and leaned down to get to his level.

"You already got your coffee, so leave. Unless you just want to be kicked out by yours, truly." Namjoon smirked and stood up straight.

The guy scoffed and looked back at me, causing me to look at Namjoon and then to the floor where the coffee was spilt. "I want to speak to your boss." The guy pointed at me. Namjoon stepped up to me and put an arm around me. This is the first time I've seen him in years and here he is, helping out a pathetic friend.

"I'm the owner of this building." Namjoon said with a smile. I looked up at him and he winked back at me. I smiled up at him and he looked back at the man. "Tootles~" He waved as the man stormed out with no latte.

"Thank you Namjoon, you didn't have to lie for me though." I said while weakly smiling at him. I could feel myself getting stickier by the coffee and it was uncomfortable but I have to work in this now. It's my only clothes.

"I didn't lie," Namjoon showed me his famous dimple smile and looked around the building. "I seriously do own this building, it was my grandparent's." He said to me. I opened my mouth to say something but Namjoon hushed me.

"You can go home, I'll pay you for the whole shift." He said and pushed me lightly towards the door. "I don't want you working like this, especially since you're an old friend of mine."

We both smiled at each other and I thanked Namjoon before untying my apron and walking home. People stared at me once they noticed my soaking clothes, and it made me even more uncomfortable than I already was. I finally made it to the apartment building and took the elevator up to my floor.

There was an old lady in the elevator with me, and she talked about nonsense until I told her I was at my floor. I waved goodbye as the door opened and turned around to finally see him.

Jungkook stood there at his mailbox, looking like a deer in headlights as he looked at me. He was in the process of opening his mailbox until I slowly walked up to him. What should I say to him?

"Hi." Is what I came up with. Wow, clever.

"Why are you.. home so early?" He stopped and looked down at the wet apron I was holding and then he looked me up and down, examining the coffee stains and dampness. "Why are you covered in liquid?"

"Let's just say.. I had a bad encounter with someone." I said slowly, then I sighed and looked up into Jungkook's round brown eyes. "I'm sorry." I said quickly, surprising him. He looked down at me as I stood in front of him with guilt in my eyes.

"I'm sorry for saying I hate you, I'm sorry for not trying to be friendlier, and I'm sorry for being selfish." I said quietly as I looked down.

Jungkook took a step forward, causing me to look up at him once again. He was really close to me as he looked down with a smile. "I'm sorry, too." He said. "I'm sorry for being inconsiderate about our thin walls, and I'm sorry for trying to pry into your life."

It took me by surprise that he had apologized as well. Usually when I apologize to someone, they just accept it and leave it at that. I've never had an apology as a reply to an apology before. How am I supposed to react?

"I- Uh.." I stumbled back as I tried to speak.

"I'm also sorry for running out on you that day at the coffee shop.." Jungkook said as he scratched his neck, "I'm not sure why I ran away, I was just.. I don't know."

I smiled up at him and pushed his shoulder slightly, causing him to smile back. "So are we good now? Can we go back to being friends?" I asked him, causing his face to go back to shock.

"We were friends?" Jungkook asked.

"We are friends." I said and reached my hand up high up to pinch his cheek like a grandma would do. He smiled with his bunny teeth and walked up to me and pulled me into a sudden hug. I blushed as the sudden contact, but eventually hugged his waist as I burry my face into his chest.

"As your friend, you're obliged to come to a party with me tonight." Jungkook said as he rested his chin on my head. I pulled back from the hug and looked at him like he was insane.

A party? I haven't been to one.. ever. I mean, I guess there's a first time for everything.


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