Chapter 9

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  "No." I said to Jungkook as he stood in front of my door with a pout.

  "Please?" He said and shook my arm to get me to agree with his little plan. "It would be so great! We'd be song buddies." He pouted even more and whined like a kid.

  "I don't want to rap in your song," I said and grabbed the door to close it. "Besides, you've never even heard me rap." I rolled my eyes and began closing the door. Jungkook put his foot in front of it to stop it, and then he walked right past me inside my apartment.

  I threw up my arms and closed my door. I sighed as I walked into the living room to see Jungkook sitting on the couch already.

  "That should've been illegal." I said to him as I jabbed my thumb in the direction of my door.

  "I think it is," He said as he looked around the room. He's only been in here once and he didn't even know my name when he did come, Hoseok just invited him in like it was his own place. "Why won't you do the song with me?"

  "I don't want to." I shrugged and sat next to him and tried to put my feet on the coffee table, but it was too far away. I sat up to pull it closer and looked back to see Jungkook holding in a laugh. I hit his arm as I put my feet up again.

  "You would if you knew the costs." Jungkook finally said after laughing at me.

  The only thing I'd get in return is a useless written song with Jungkook and still no money and still no care in the world. Why would I even consider this offer?

  "It's not just any song," Jungkook smiled and leaned closer to me, causing me to lean back into the couch. "It's a chance for a record deal.." He said sternly and slowly, catching my full attention.

A record deal? A chance?

"A chance for both of us, Yoon." Jungkook said to me. Apparently I had spoken my thoughts according to his sudden reply.

"B-But I don't think my music is even that good, though." I looked at my feet and swayed them on the table with a pout.

"Let me listen to it," Jungkook stood up and crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm sure it sounds better than you think it does."

I stood up next to him and looked at him before walking into my room and grabbing my laptop. I walked back in the living room to see Jungkook sitting at my desk. I set the laptop on the desk and opened it, typed in my password and went to a file that contained a select few songs that I thought actually sounded decent.

I thought for a minute about which song I wanted to play. Apparently I thought for too long, because Jungkook groaned and moved the laptop in his direction, taking it from my grasp, and clicking a song himself.

(imagine a song lol)

"Yoon, don't take this the wrong way.." Jungkook said slowly as he looked into my fearful eyes. I wasn't ready to be let down or hurt in any way. "But your music is actually really really good." He smiled at me.

I let out a sigh of relief and smacked his arm. "You scared me!" I pouted and Jungkook laughed lightly at me.

"It's even better than mine!" He said as he clicked another one. "Damn, you might as well send one of these and leave me in the dirt."

I rolled my eyes and heard the click of a door, causing both me and Jungkook to snap our heads in the direction it came from.

"Yoongi, look who I found- Oh, hi." Jin said as he looked up and stopped in his tracks. Hoseok and Tae were hidden behind Jin, and they were holding hands with small genuine smiles planted on their red faces.

They all were staring at me and Jungkook, and vice versa. Jin had a bag in his hand that he eventually laid onto the table and then all three sat on the couch side by side.

"Nice to see you again, Jungkook." Hoseok said with a small smile. Tae put his arm around Hobi as he stared at Jungkook.

"I thought you didn't like each other?" Taehyung said in confusion. I looked at Jungkook who was looking away from me, and then looked back at Tae. "He's alright, I guess." I said with a smirk. Jungkook nudged me which caused me to fight back a smile.

"No, he just hated me because I could get a girl and he couldn't." Jungkook smirked.

Jin and Tae looked at Jungkook like he was insane while me and Hoseok let out loud giggles that eventually turned into laughs. Hobi was falling over into Tae's body as he clapped his hands repeatedly.

"H-He thinks Y-Yoongi is st..straight?" Hobi laughed even louder, causing Jin and Taehyung to join in as well. Jin wiped off tears and my laughing died down as I saw Jungkook pouting instead of smirking.

"You never told me you were gay.." Jungkook said, which caused the trio to laugh even more.

Eventually, Jungkook started smiling along as Jin pointed out all of the signs that showed my sexuality so clearly.

"I have no clue who you are, I'm so sorry for laughing at you." Seokjin said and eventually stopped laughing at the stranger.

"It's okay," Jungkook said. "It was actually kind of dumb for me to assume, honestly." He said as he looked at me with some sort of emotion that quickly faded away just as fast as it had been visible.

He stood up and stretched his arms out, making his muscles clench and he sighed as he looked at everyone. "I guess I should go, I have.. something to do." He said as he walked towards the door.

Everyone told him bye as he walked out. After he left, the room got silent for some odd reason. "You guys saw that too, right?" Taehyung said quietly as if he thought anyone else in the world could hear him.

"See what?" I asked, causing the three boys to look at me in unison.

Did I miss something?

"You wouldn't understand, you didn't pay attention." Jin said as he looked at the other two with a weird look. "I just hope nothing bad happens like last time."


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