Chapter 10

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  There is a thick line of difference between getting writers block and being completely distracted, and being distracted by Jungkook was not on my list of things to do today.

  We sit at my desk together a couple of days after Jungkook had introduced me to the advertisement of the contract record deal, and I had never been so distracted in my life.

  The thing that made it even worse is that Jungkook is literally only sitting there. He's doing nothing but staring at the piece of paper in front of him, but his arm brushing against mine and his casual glances are driving me insane, and I don't know why.

  I had never liked him, although he is fine as hell- but still, why do I keep constantly turning shades of red and keep forcing myself to not look at him? Is it because I'm uncomfortable around him? I'm usually not, though.

  Why is he even here anyways? Are we friends? Should I get to know him better if I'm going to do this song thing with him?

  "Why are you staring at me?" Jungkook said, cutting off my endless thoughts. I snap back into reality and turn my head back to my paper quickly and sigh.

  "I don't know what to write." I pouted as I tap my pencil against the desk. Jungkook grabbed my hand to force me to stop making so much noise, which resulted in me looking into his eyes as I blushed a deep red. Since when did he get this damn good looking?

  "You're cute when you're flustered." He said, causing me to turn more red if possible. I focused back on my paper, took my hand away, and tried to ignore Jungkook, but I just couldn't do it. Why me?

"Can we please go to the coffee shop or somewhere else to work on this?" I smacked my pencil into the desk with a groan.

  Jungkook nodded his head and laughed at my frustration as we got our things and headed to the coffee shop. When we walked in, I was hit with the scent of all sorts of coffee. We ordered our regulars and sat down across from each other in a booth next to the window.

  "You couldn't concentrate in your silent apartment but you can in this loud place?" Jungkook asked as he took out his notebook and opened it to his previous spot.

  "Maybe silence is too overwhelming." I shrugged as I began to get out my things as well. I could basically hear his eye roll from across the table as I smiled happily.

  I sipped my drink and looked up at Jungkook who was writing away as if he knew exactly what he wanted to do with his parts of the song. Me on the other hand, I was still losing brain cells as I stared at nothing in particular.

  "Why don't you write about you first love or write about something that bothers you.." Jungkook said randomly. "Or maybe write about your struggles you have, I dunno."

  First love.

  My first love was also my last love. The boy himself was no longer in my life due to ..

  "First love.." I repeated and sighed loudly.

  "Who was your first love?" Jungkook asked as he set his pencil down gently on the table and propped up his head with his arm.

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