Chapter 32

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"Jake, what did you do to him " Heather scolded as they walked through the door.

"I didn't do this, he fell" Jake replied helping Tim sit on the kitchen stool.

Heather looked at him in total disbelief  "you seriously expect me to believe that? You were so pissed off when you stormed out of here to go get him and you bring him back looking like this" she stated, grabbing a towel and some ice to replace his shirt.

"Heafer, he weally didn't do dis, I twipped and fell, face furst on da fwoor" Tim answered, his nose swollen so much, making him sound like he was stuffed up.

"Here, put this on your nose. It will help with the swelling and stop the bleeding" she told him.

"You, go get Marcus. He's outback with Mom and Calli" she told Jake, still not totally believing their response.

"Dang, dat herts" Tim remarked as he placed the ice and towel on his nose, closing his eyes.

"Tim, it might be broken. You're starting to get some bruising under your eyes" she told him just as Marcus and Maggie walked in the back door. Jake and Calli stayed outside, unsure if the sight of blood would upset her, he kept her occupied playing with her toys.

"What in the world" Maggie remarked as she looked at Tim.

"Ms Maggie, I twide not to get any bwood on da fwoor. I'm sowy if I did" he told her.

Maggie couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the way Tim talked. He raised a brow at her laughing "ids weally not vewy funny" he told her.

"Aww, Timmy. I'm sorry, it's just you sound like Rudolph when his father made him cover his nose " she replied, gently rubbing his arm.

"Gwate" he answered back.

Marcus had him remove the ice and towel while he examined his nose and cheekbones, also noticing the bruising darkening under his eyes. "Son, it's definitely broken. How bad, I'm not sure. An xray will determine how bad, we need to get you to the hospital " he explained.

Tim refused, explaining he couldn't be seen in public nor had they made Chance's disappearance public knowledge either. Then there would be telling Jenika and the others, it was just to risky.

"There really isn't much that can be done anyway, right" Heather stated.

"See, id will be ok" Tim added.

Marcus sighed deeply, "it's against my better judgement young man, but she's right. Nothing other than pain medication and a few restrictions can be done unless it's a severe break. But, seeing as you landed on a carpeted floor, I won't push for the xray. But, if I see any signs that you're having severe issues you're going, ya got it" he told him.

Tim shook his head in agreement, immediately realizing that wasn't the smartest thing to do at the moment as the pain intensified.

"Go get yourself comfortable on the sofa. I'll fetch a pain killer from my bag. You will be doing nothing for at least the next twelve hours" Marcus instructed before heading down the hall.

"You want me to contact Jenika for you" Maggie asked as she helped him to the sofa.

"No, tank you. I text hur watur" he replied as Marcus returned with the medication.

"Tim, this is going to make you very sleepy. Don't fight it, just relax and rest" he advised handing him two pills and a cup of water. 

Tim popped the pills laying back upon the pillow Maggie had placed behind him, shutting his eyes wondering how to tell Jenika.

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