[20] where you at

Start from the beginning

i tried to block out the voices of my friends, who were arguing about which one of them had the worst classes and teachers. i don't know what the point was of arguing about something so stupid, but i've come to terms that that's just how my friends are. they love to complain and start fights about worthless things.

"my math teacher gave us two packets of homework to do, and guess what? they're due by wednesday! that's only two fucking days to get it done. hell, i can't even get one page done in two days. that's how hard the work is. how the hell is your teacher worse than mine when i have to go through this torture?" minho spat, pointing his finger aggressively at jisung.

"oh yeah? that's nothing compared to what i have to go through. try four packets of geometry due in one day! i wish i could have your math class... lucky." jisung responded, laughing like what minho said was the funniest thing.

"geometry is easy, you dumbass! you're just too dull in the head to understand it!" chan exclaimed to jisung, who looked betrayed.

while they were bickering about school, my mind was elsewhere. i glanced at changbin, who was sitting across from me. he was lying his head down on the table, and staring vacantly out the window. it was obvious he wasn't listening to what everyone was bickering about either. i wondered if he felt my eyes on him. can't he just look my way once? ever since we sat down, he hasn't said anything to me or even glanced in my direction. i wanted him to say something to me so bad that i could barely take it anymore. i was getting impatient and i was tired of waiting for him to speak to me. i was fed up with this game of ignoring each other.

i just wanted to hear his voice again.

a slap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. jisung was looking at me like he was waiting for me to answer something. i stared back at him, lost, not hearing what he had said before.

"i said... don't you think geometry is hard too? it can't only be me!" he asked, hoping that i would agree with him.

to be honest, every subject was hard for me. "oh, uh, yeah... geometry's hard." i nodded at him, laughing.

chan laughed. "oh come on, you can't ask felix that. he's almost as dumb as you!"

it was my turn to feel betrayed. "wow, chan. i'm a little triggered now." i stated, not expecting to be suddenly attacked like that.

"where's the lie though?" seungmin added, smiling to himself.

i couldn't help but laugh at him. "wow... seems like someone is getting brave! what's up with you recently? why are you so cheery and giggly these days?" i ask, feeling suspicious. seungmin has been acting way more joyful and peppy these past weeks, and it raises many questions in my head.

he grins, looking down at his plate. "what are you saying? nothing's up with me...," he mumbles, stuffing his face with food.

"he's got himself a boyfriend, that's what's up. he's in love." jeongin inquires, smirking mischievously at us.

he chokes on his food. "w-what? no! i don't have a boyfriend!" he assures, getting flustered. but he blushes, telling me otherwise.

"what? seungmin's got a boyfriend? who?" chan asks, curious.

"hyunjin. they're totally in love!" jeongin grins widely, looking excited.

hyunjin? are they really dating? when did that happen? my mind flashes back to that night of the party when i saw seungmin and hyunjin together. they did seem really close... they were both laughing with each other, and it seemed like they were having fun. i guess it could happen, but it just seemed weird to me. probably because i had dated hyunjin.

seungmin looks up from his plate, shocked at what jeongin said. he softly slaps jeongin on the shoulder. "no, we're not! why makes you think that?"

he shrugs. "i mean, it's pretty obvious. y'all are always together, and that look in your eyes when you see each other! wow! you two are so in love," he says dramatically, pumping his fist in the air. he takes a bite of his food, "honestly, it's kind of bothersome. like you could have a little remorse for the single people here. you two are making me feel way more lonely than I usually feel."

seungmin is taken aback, his mouth agape. he tries to say something to defend himself, but he can't find the words.

he glances over at me, looking guilty. "felix... i hope you're not mad. but i really like hyunjing, as a friend," he adds, "and we've been hanging out a lot recently. i know he was your boyfriend and everything and he treated you really–"

i cut him off, laughing weakly. "seungmin, it's fine. i've moved on. we've both moved on. you can do whatever you want with him. he's not my boyfriend anymore. it's none of my business what you all do." i reassure him, a faint smile appearing on my face.

all of the sudden, changbin scoffs. my head snaps in his direction, glaring at him. he laughs, looking off to the side.

"what? what's so funny?" i sharply at him, feeling defensive out of nowhere. he wants to be quiet and ignore me all day, then scoff at me suddenly?

he shrugs his shoulders carelessly, and turns on his phone. "nothing." he says simply, and looks down at the device in his hands.

now it's my turn to scoff at him. "are you serious?," i ask, looking at him up and down, "nothing?"

the whole table goes quiet, looking between us.

he doesn't answer, keeping his attention on his phone. now that he's finally spoken to me, i'm determined to keep bugging him till he answers me. "wow, i seriously can't believe you...," i say, annoyed, rolling my eyes, "you wanna ignore me for weeks and then you have the nerve to sneer at me out of nowhere?"

he doesn't say anything to me, giving me the silent treatment.

i'm so tired of this. today is the day where this ends. this game of ignoring one another. it's been eating me up inside for the past weeks, and i can't even focus anymore.

i take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"we need to have a talk."


a/n: thoughts please? how are you all liking it? 🤠

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