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Zayn's POV

As soon as I got out of the car and enter the house, I was greeted by Dana, who's in the living room, seemingly waiting for Harry to arrive. I stepped in and in my peripheral view, she looked to me and a smile formed in her lips. She leaped out of the couch she was sitting in and started to bounce up and down.

"Zayn. Finally! You're home!" she said enthusiastically before running to me and giving me a bone crashing hug.

I chuckled. "What's happening? Are you sort of being crazy or you just missed Harry so much you thought that it was me?" I asked.

She pulled away, a huge smile across her face. "Silly. I just called you Zayn. And you and Harry does not look like together."

"We're brothers." I said

 "I am not talking about that." she said.

A crease formed between my eyebrows, wondering what was she trying to tell me. "And so, what are you trying to tell me then?"

Her smile stretched wider and I started to wonder why. "I have a great news for you. It has something to do with Erin."

I nodded and with the mention of Erin, I asked, "Speaking of Erin, where is she?" 

"She's in her room. But listen up first," She said. "This is a matter of life and death!"

"Can't it that wait?" I asked. "I wanted to see her. I already miss her."

Her smile dropped. "As far as I know, the last time you saw her was just this morning." she said. "I don't understand. I don't feel the same way towards Harry then. I don't miss him when I just saw him like hours ago."

"This is different. We're talking about me," I reminded her. She shrugs and held her hands up.

"Alright. Fine. She's in her room, just like what I said." then a smile again crossed her face. "And I'll just let her tell you then if you cannot wait."

I nodded and gave her a smile. "Thanks. I wonder what is it."

She started to get giddy and started to bounce up and down. "Just go there!" She said, pushing me excitedly to the stairs, almost shoving me to the ground. I laughed about her giddiness and excitedness overload. "I am waiting for your reaction soon! And I mean, really soon!"

I just shook my head, chuckling as I climbed up the stairs. I gave her a look and she shooed me away. As soon as I got outside of the room that I and Erin share, I heard her voice passing through the walls. I was about to open the door to walk in but when I heard Erin's voice, continue saying something I couldn't put out about, I leaned to the door and I heard her talk to someone I do not know.

"I just cannot wait to tell your daddy, you know?" I heard her say. I started to wonder what she was saying and talking about. "But I am afraid if he finds out. I mean, I do not know if he will be happy or won't be happy if he finds out that we are going to have you. But I am very excited my little one. I cannot believe this. This is the best day in my life right now."

I moved away from leaning on the door and my thoughts started to run around.

I do not know if he will be happy or won't be happy if he finds out that we are going to have you. 

What does she mean with that? That we are going to have a baby? Is that the good news that Dana was talking about earlier?

Before I could get an answer from myself, the door opened and there, Erin is standing and was shocked to see me there.

"Zayn? How long have you been there?"

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora