We're Done

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Zayn’s POV

I don’t know how long I was running down that hall.

It feels like years.

I was gasping for air to breathe while the smell of alcohol, used injections and bleach wafted through my nose, made me cringe. Making me upset that I am here in this very place.

I did not mind the people as they looked over to me. Nothing matters now. All I wanted was to and see Erin. She needs me now. I need to see her.


"There's a problem. Zayn, you better get your shit together right now." Harry said. I looked to him as my heart began to race.

“What’s wrong Harry?” Liam asked

Harry never removed his eyes at me. “It’s Erin.”

As soon as the name came out, I started to panic. “Why? What happened?”

Harry looked to me and seemingly, he started to be hesitant. “She’s in the hospital. She got into an accident.”

I froze on my seat. I could not hear any noise except my own breathing. I started to feel so cold, so numb all over.

“Is she okay?” I asked, my voice shaking.

*End of Flashback*

I got into the nurses station and asked the room of where Erin’s room is. But before they could give me an answer, Dana appeared.

“Zayn.” she spoke, her voice was scary to hear but at the same time, worried. I turned to her.

“Dana,” I said as I tried to speak between breaths. “Where is she?”

“Come with me.” she said and turned away. Few doors from the nurses station, we stopped. “She’s inside.” She said. I was about to turn the doorknob but she stopped me. “She doesn’t want to see you Zayn.”

“What?” I asked, confused. “Are you joking me?”

She shook her head. “She made it clear that she doesn’t want to see you.”

“But why?” I asked, still confused.

“She doesn’t just want to.”

“No, you must be joking.” I told her

“Joking?” She said, her voice raised. “Then tell me, was that a joke? That you were seen kissing with Summer and then made out with her? Was that a joke!?” she asked. I fell silent. “I know I don’t have the right to get fucking pissed of you Zayn but then, this mess is too much. You don’t know how much trouble and pain you brought to Erin.”

The other lads arrived. Harry immediately pulled Dana. “What’s going on here?”

“Erin does not want to see him.” Dana said firmly.

Niall, Liam and Harry exchanged glances. “Wait, what?”

“But why?” Liam asked

“That is not the type of question you’ll ask after something has happened, Liam.” Dana said then she looked to me. “I hate to see you be close to her right now, Zayn.”

“I have to see her, Dana.” I told her

“Babe, just let him.” Harry said. “I think he should speak to her and... He must know.”

I looked to Harry. “What should I know?” I asked

Dana looked to me then her expression went soft and she looked over to Harry. “Don’t say that I never stopped him.” she said then turned away, leaving Harry watching her as she left and went somewhere. Harry turned to me and patted my shoulder. “Go in. I think you and Erin should speak. Just... Be careful with whatever you say. You don’t want to double the pain all these had caused her.”

Moments: Book Four Of One Direction Series (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now