Chapter 29

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  When I came to, I was lying on the floor of a cell, my hands chained together in front of me and my wings tied behind my back. I tried to stand up, but my head was throbbing and as soon as I moved, the world started spinning and I fell back down. I pushed myself up against the wall and sat there, waiting for the world to right itself. When it did, I pulled myself up slowly and took in my surroundings. There wasn't much to see. It was just a dingy cell with no windows, lit by torches and with manacles attached to the back wall. I hoped they would never see a need to use them on me. I slowly made my way to the front of the cell, ignoring the pounding in my head. I peered out into the hallway, but I couldn't see anything more than the few feet of wall across from me. There wasn't a cell across from me, and I couldn't tell if there were any on either side of me. My mind began whirring, trying to come up with a plan to get myself out, but there wasn't a plan to be found. The only hope I had was Dean. Maybe I could get myself out, but heroics had never been my strength. So instead, I did my best to calm my heart and I sat against the wall to wait.


  After an hour or two, I heard footsteps coming my way and stood up. Luckily my head had calmed. Soon a man appeared on the other side of the cell door. I stepped forward as he began to unlock the door.

  "Who are you? Where am I?" I demanded. The man only laughed. He entered the cell and I took another step forward.

  "Where am I?" I shouted again.

  "Just come with me," the man said, grabbing me by the arm and dragging me out of the cell. I thought about resisting, but I figured I'd get more answers by following this man. He took me up from the dungeon and walked me through what clearly presented itself to me as a castle. The further we went, it began to look slightly familiar, until I realized... I was in Hallas. Fuck. If Hallas was so blatantly taking a prince of Paradina as prisoner, nothing good was about to happen.

  It wasn't long before we entered a throne room, empty but for a man I recognized from long ago as the king of Hallas sitting on the throne.

  "Ah, yes. Our honored guest, Castiel," the king said. I simply glared at him.

  "Why am I here? You cannot keep me like this, I've done nothing to you," I said. The king laughed, standing from his throne and walking up to me. I met his eyes, trying my best to maintain my outrage so I wouldn't feel the fear bubbling beneath it.

  "Oh, you have done so much to me, Castiel. But you're here because you know something, and I want to know what it is," the king said. I scoffed.

  "What could I possibly know?" I asked.

  "You know what Terren is planning against me," the king said. I felt my blood run cold. The king of Hallas knew exactly what was going on. War was coming, and here and now the success could very well depend on me. Would I be a hero or a traitor? I could not say, but all my life I'd hoped to be a hero. And all my life I'd disappointed myself. I steeled my resolve and spoke.

  "You think they tell me anything? Ask all the questions you want, you're wasting your time," I said. The king grabbed me by the jaw and stepped close.

  "You will tell what you know, Castiel," he hissed. "You will." The king let me go and turned to the man next to me.

  "Get it out of him. As undamaged as you can, but if it comes down to it, I'm not to attached to keeping him from permanent harm," he said. The man nodded and began dragging me back they way we'd come. My head was spinning. Ten days. If my math was right, they had ten days to break me. I wouldn't let them. I couldn't.

  The man led me back into the dungeon, but instead of taking me to my cell, he took me into another room that was clearly for interrogation. The man chained me to the wall so that my arms were pulled apart, exposing my torso.

  "You know what we want. Just tell me now, and you don't have to worry about any of this," the man said, wheeling in a cart loaded down with instruments that made me sick to look at.

  "I don't know anything," I said, blinking away the tears in my eyes. Dean...The man picked up a small knife and stepped closer.

  "Really? Because you sound like you know something," he said. I didn't say anything else, staring at the opposite wall and thinking of Dean. I could do this for him. I could be strong for Dean.

  "Still nothing? If you say so, then," the man said. And he went to work. I began to scream.


  It was three days later. I was in my cell, and I was already about to crack. I can't make it through seven more days of this... I just can't. Everything hurt, and in a cell like this it was only a matter of time before infection set in. At least they hadn't gone after my wings yet. Yet.

  I heard footsteps coming my way and my stomach clenched. Not again, not so soon. I pulled myself to my feet, preparing myself for what was about to happen, when a man - no, a boy I didn't recognize appeared at the door.

  "Castiel?" he asked.

  "Who are you?" I responded. The boy grinned.

  "My name is Kevin, and I'm gonna get you the fuck out of here," he said. Relief washed over me as he spoke. I remembered the name Kevin from Sam's conversation.

  "Really?" I said, taking a few steps toward the door.

  "Yes. When we make our move, when I get out, you're coming with me. But... Castiel, we've moved it forward but we still need to wait three more days. You'll have to hold out until then," Kevin said. I felt my chest tighten.

  "Three more days?" I echoed. Kevin nodded.

  "I'm so sorry, but we have to. Can you do that? I might be able to hide you until then and keep you safe, but..." Kevin trailed off.

  "But it would be much safer if I were here," I finished. Kevin nodded.

  "Okay. I can wait. Now that I know... I can make it," I said. Kevin smiled.

  "I have to go now, but I'll be back. Here," Kevin said. He handed a loaf of bread to me through the bars.

  "I don't know how they've been feeding you, but a little extra never hurts," he said. I smiled.

  "Thank you," I said. Kevin grinned.

  "I'll see you again soon," he said before turning and hurrying back the way he'd come. I sat in the corner of my cell and began tearing into the bread. I was going to get out of here. I'm on my way, Dean.

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