Chapter 15

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  I slept fitfully that night, unable to calm my mind for any significant amount of time before another thought entered my head and wouldn't let me go. By the next morning, I'd barely gotten any sleep. I was considering just staying in my room all day, but Hannah was probably expecting me for our usual walk. We'd missed each other the past two days, and I was very much feeling the absence of our talks.

  Hannah hugged me as soon as she saw me at our usual meeting place on the castle grounds.

  "Castiel! It feels like it's been ages since we last talked!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her as she let me go.

  "It does. I'm sure you have more to talk about than I do. What has happened over the past two days?" I asked as we began walking. Hannah's face fell slightly.

  "The Queen is encouraging me to set another date for the wedding," she said. "I know it's important, but I'm just not sure I'm ready." I felt my heart twist for her. She'd been so determined when we first arrived, so willing to do her duty. Now she was having doubts, and I couldn't blame her. Dean, while perfectly polite, seemed wholly uninterested in Hannah, and Hannah had always been a romantic.

  "I wish I could do something," I said, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. Hannah smiled at me.

  "Thank you. But I'll be okay, I'm sure. You keep telling me how nice Dean is, and I trust you. I'm still prepared to do my duty," she said. "But this talk is boring. I'm sure you have interesting news, you always do." My hand fell back to my side.

  "I'm afraid I must disappoint you," I said. "Nothing much has happened to me. I talked to Dean some, and I saw Meg again, but that's really it." Hannah perked up at the mention of Meg.

  "Tell me more about talking to Meg," she said, all her previous melancholy fading.

  "There really isn't much to tell," I said. Hannah gave me a disbelieving look.

  "I doubt that. I've seen the two of you together. I wouldn't be surprised if our family got two weddings out of this deal," she said. I looked around at her, slightly shocked.

  "A wedding? Hannah, I really think it's a bit early for any of that talk," I said. Hannah  smiled, linking her arm through mine, looking perfectly relaxed.

  "If you say so. Let's move on before I make you cross with me," she said. I smiled.

  "Alright then. Are you looking forward to the celebration tomorrow night?" I asked. It was Queen Katie's birthday, and I expected no shortage of extravagances at the celebration, if I had learned anything about the Winchesters over my time here.

  "I must say I am excited. Charlie told me about the celebration they had last year, and it sounds like a lot of fun. Charlie makes everything sound fun, though," Hannah said. I smiled at her.

  "I'm glad you seem so happy here," I said. Hannah looked up at me.

  "How do you mean?" she asked. I stopped walking and she stopped beside me.

  "Your friendship with Charlie seems like a very good thing. You fit in here," I said. "I was worried about that when we first came here. But there was nothing for me to worry about. You and Charlie really seem to get along well." Hannah smiled at the ground.

  "Yes... I was worried myself. But everyone here is was so welcoming and nice. I know you had a different experience, but... I love it here, Castiel, I really do," she said. I smiled and leaned down slightly to kiss her on the forehead.

  "I'm glad," I said. The two of us began walking again. You would be so proud of her, Mother. I know you would. She's grown up so well. 

  "You're going to be okay tomorrow, right? At the celebration?" Hannah asked after a few moments of silent walking.

  "Of course. You don't need to worry about me, Hannah. I can handle this, I've done it before," I said, smiling. "Just don't make me dance again, alright?" Hannah chuckled.

  "Okay, I promise I won't force you to dance. I might still ask, just in case you change your mind," she said. I nodded.

  "I can live with that," I said. Hannah looked at me, almost studying me, raising her eyebrow slightly. 

  "Oh, I know that face. You're about to say something I don't like, aren't you?" I asked, suppressing a laugh. Hannah chuckled again.

  "You know me too well. I was wondering if you might dance with Meg tomorrow night, even if you won't dance with me," she said. I rolled my eyes. Of course Hannah was thinking about me and Meg. Hannah had never been able to keep her mind in her own business. It was almost endearing.

  "Please do not expect to see me dancing with anyone tomorrow. I know you like Meg, but you really should stop this. It will do you no good," I said, amused. Hannah sighed.

  "Okay, okay, I'll stop. Probably. But really, I want you to be happy, Castiel. Once you go back home, I know you aren't going to leave your room. I don't mean to be dramatic, but this might be your one chance to find love!" she said. The two of us turned and began strolling back towards the castle.

  "You don't mean to be dramatic? Are you sure? Because you sound rather dramatic. I don't need to find love, Hannah. I'm fine. You're the one here to get married," I said. Hannah shook her head in amusement.

  "Alright. You win for now. But we'll see what happens tomorrow," Hannah said, smiling. I laughed quietly as the two of us fell into silence, continuing on our walk simply enjoying each other's company.

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