'That's never been done before.' Eris gasped.

'I know, it is very uncommon. She could have easily been a contender for it but I think she has just lost any chance she might have had.'

'Well if he does go to a vote, I know where my vote will be cast.'

Phabel looked to his father who grinned at him.


He nodded with a slight smile, his father agreed with him. Orson was a good man, he would make a great ruler. Olive turned to Danika who was listening but not really paying attention.

'Who is Godfrey?' she whispered.

'Godfrey is our maker, kind of like the concept of god but a little different.' she scrunched up her face. 'It's really hard to understand, you should talk to Phabe when you're alone.'

'I think you should postpone your lessons and return to the castle son.'

'I can't, Olive is still human. She can't pass through, you know that.'

'She can stay with Lucian and Danika.'

'I will not go anywhere without her.'

'Well then you had better turn her Phabel, I am not prepared to risk my only son to a crazy witch.'

Phabel and Lucian exchanged glances, knowing there was only one course of events that would please his father. Olive had to be turned so that she could follow Phabel to the shifter realm. It wasn't an easy process and it wasn't quick either. Eris produced the long velvet box, knowing what his son was like he had the forethought to bring it with him. Inside was one long jewel encrusted dagger that would be used to open a vein. He placed it on the desk beside his son and gave him a knowing look. Phabel moved quickly, kneeling before Olive taking her hands into his.

'I have to return to my realm for safety, a witch is not a being to be trifled with. I want you to join me but you can not pass through the rock face unless you turn then you will have no issue.'

His eyes met hers, he could see the fear she held.

'I know aui leabu but if you do not come with me then I will be forced to stay here with you, I am not prepared to leave you behind. This is too much of a strain on Lucian's guards, they are not equipped to deal with a crazy witch like my fathers guards are.'

'For your safety my love.' she smiled at him softly.

Finn, Lorccán and their guards left to ensure the search for the witch moved swiftly. A witch could be devious when they knew they were in danger, they would stop at nothing to ensure they survived. It had come from being hunted by the humans, they had quickly learned to survive or die. Many had seen their loved ones burning in giant pyres in town centres, many had heard the cries of their friends and families agonising death as they fled in fear. The guards locked the door to the rock, then at the request of their king, they turned to face the locked door. Phabel thought it was bad enough that it had to be done right then, but to have onlookers made him annoyed. Eris suggested that on the floor would be best, in case she happened to do a bit of thrashing. Phabel removed his jacket, placing it over the back of his chair and the rolled up his sleeve. Danika moved near to Olive's as she warily sat on the floor.

'When you need to you can put your head on my lap, I'm much softer than his crusty rug.'

She smiled at her warmly but it was of little reassurance, Olive was petrified. Phabel took the long box and knelt beside her, Eris on the other side and Lucian at Phabel's side by her legs. She knew that was to stop her if she kicked. Her heart raced, this was going to be bad if they had to restrain her. Three grown men would be needed to hold her down. Petite Olive would be that bad, it didn't seem real to her. Phabel opened the box and pulled out the dagger, Olive's eyes widened as she sucked in one deep breath.

'It's for me Olive, I promise this blade will not go near your body.'

'Would you like to know the procedure before it happens Olive?'

She nodded at Eris.

'Phabel will cut a vein open on his forearm, from his wrist and no longer than the width of your mouth. You will drink the blood that pours from the wound and you will have to drink for as long as the wound is open. His body naturally heals itself so the timing is imperative. The more you drink the easier the process. Phabel's blood has healing properties and it will lessen the pain if you drink as much as you can. When the wound has sealed over your body will begin to change, he will restore the depleted blood with bags of blood.' Eris frowned 'Where is your blood stock?'

Phabel stood from the ground and rounded his desk, unlocking the cabinet that hid the bar fridge. He took two bags out and returned to the floor.

'Now, when he has consumed one bag he will repeat the procedure. In an ordinary turn the person in Phabel's position would consume three bags but because you are his mate at the third repetition he will consume your blood. This binds the two of you in blood. Now, we are ready, are you?'

Olive nodded even though she had moved past petrified and was now somewhere that she couldn't describe. Mortified didn't cut it. Horrified was getting close. Terrified was minutes ago.

Phabel watched as Olive laid peacefully, Danika gently stroked her hair as she laid her head on her lap. The turning was better than any of them had hoped. She felt little pain, she greedily drank leaving Phabel a little pale with blood loss and now she rested calmly. Lucian was in her mind, reassuring them that she was moving through the turn with ease. The bar fridge was now void of all of his stock, having to replenish his blood intake was gruelling on his body. He wasn't used to so much consumption in one sitting. Phabel knew this would cause problems with his blood lust.

'Being bonded in blood will help with your other issue.'

His father patted him on the back with a smug grin, Phabel had his fangs stuck in a blood bag, slowly draining the sustenance out of it.

'Time alone will help that issue father, not being bonded in blood.'

'Well you will get that too. We will travel to Askara'velmanti to see how Lorccán and Finn are going with their search. Go and see your employer and tell him that you will be taking leave and tell him that Olive and Danika will be too, if he questions why tell him that Lucian has ordered it for his own personal reasons that are unknown to you.'

Eris and his men moved through the gate, Phabel looked upon Olive who was resting. He moved her to the chair, watching her chest rise and fall, the stone had burrowed into her skin making a sweet mark of their love.

'We will go and pack a bag and meet you at the palace.'

'What about Olive?' Danika frowned at Lucian.

'She will sleep for some time, Phabe can leave a note even though he won't be gone for long. If he locks the door she won't be able to go far.'

Phabel quickly scrawled out a note and put it into her hand, telling her he won't be gone for long and to stay put. Lucian and Danika had stepped through the rock face as Phabel locked the rock face door and then with one final glance at Olive sleeping, he slipped through the main door, locking it.


Olive could feel the soft touch of a hand on her leg, rousing her from her sleep. She looked at her love who smiled at her.

'Time is imperative Olive, we must hasten to my world.'

Wearily she rubbed her eyes as Phabel helped her to her feet. He took her to the door behind his desk, unlocking it and pressed his hand to the rock face. Lines of silver lit up creating a door, her eyes widened as she looked at it with fascination. They stepped into a well lit corridor, people bustled past them busy with their own lives. Olive looked around as the door behind them closed, both sides of the corridor were lined with these doors, people passing in and out of them. She turned back to Phabel who had a dark look on his face, one that Olive couldn't understand. Wordlessly he tapped at the numbers on the panel beside the closed door, it swung open to a darkened corridor. Harshly Phabel took her arm and dragged her into the world.

'Phabel you're hurting me.'

'Shut up.' he hissed. 

Tears sprung from her eyes, wondering why he was being so cold and mean to her.

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