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jimin and yoongi sat in their bed, in their bedroom, in their house.  the one they'd owned for the past seven years.  ever since they'd gotten married.  

jimin looked at yoongi, whose brown hair looked soft as it swept over his forehead, his eyes closed as he slept.  jimin smiled, his fingers playing with the thin locks as he watched his husband with loving eyes.  jimin had imagined many futures for himself over the course of his life.  but he'd never thought that his reality would be as happy and fulfilling as this one.  

yoongi made a sound that was something between a sigh and a whine of complaint.  it made jimin giggle.  yoongi woke up groggily, his eyes scrunching at the light streaming through the windows.  jimin always opened the blinds when he woke up, and he always woke up before yoongi, simply out of habit, and out of a love for watching the older sleep so peacefully.  

''what time is it?''  yoongi asked, and jimin tried to ignore the reaction his body had to his husband's deep morning voice.  

''a-almost eleven.''  he replied, hair going light pink at his own stutter.  yoongi laughed, his eyes still closed.  

''i can't see you right now, but i know that hair of yours isn't peach.''  he said, and jimin rolled his eyes.  

''shut up.  and get up already, we need to be at namjoon's in two hours.''  jimin said, glancing at the clock.  yoongi rolled over, facing jimin, who was sitting up, and reached out for jimin's hand.  jimin intertwined their fingers as yoongi smiled softly.  

''i know. but i don't want to get up.''  yoongi said.  jimin was about to reply when a light pattering sound came from the door.  jimin knew it was either holly or jiha and siwoo, the last two on the list being so inseparable that they traveled in a pair.  

''dad and daddy!''  the two who had been called turned to see their twins, who ran up to the bed, jumping onto the soft white covers with the cutest smiles on their faces.  in an instant, yoongi sat up, pulling siwoo and jiha onto his lap and attacking them with kisses on their cheeks and foreheads.  the sight made jimin's heartache.  he loved his little family so much.  

''hey, cuties.''  jimin said, and the two turned to him and gave him cuddles, too.  

''how long until we leave, daddy?'' jiha asked.  jimin knew it was his turn to reply, because he was the one who got addressed with that title, and yoongi had gotten 'dad'.  jimin said it was because the term dad made him feel old, and yoongi was fine with it, because he said that hoseok had ruined the word daddy for him anyway.  

''one and a half hours, princess.  are you excited for today?''  he asked, and jiha nodded.  

''super fucking excited!''  she exclaimed, and yoongi burst out laughing as jimin gasped.  

''jiha! where'd you hear that word?''  he asked, and siwoo answered instead, his hair a mess on his head, just like his dad's.  

''uncle kookie told us!''  siwoo said, and yoongi kept laughing as jimin rolled his eyes, holding jiha to his chest.  

''i'm gonna kill that kid, i swear.  don't say that word again, baby, okay?''  jimin said, and jiha nodded, sucking on her thumb as she let her brother play with her hair.  jimin looked at yoongi from over the top of their children's heads.  yoongi was still laughing, and he sent and annoyed looking jimin a wink.  the frown instantly vanished from jimin's face.  

''come on, guys.  we need to get ready for uncle joon's party, okay? remember, it's his and uncle jin's anniversary.''  yoongi said, and the twins nodded, instantly asking questions about anything they could think of.  jimin smiled fondly at the sight of yoongi holding both jiha and siwoo's hands as he walked them out of the room, promising to brain jiha's hair, and then informing a disappointed siwoo that his hair was too short to get a matching braid done with it.  

jimin swung his legs over the side of the bed, unlocking his phone.  it was march twentieth.  two thousand and twenty eight.  jimin smiled at his lock screen wallpaper.  it was him and yoongi.  the home screen was of his children, adopted of course, playing with bubbles as they sat in the bath tub.  jimin saw his messages.  one from jieun, telling him to bring the salad for today's lunch, and another from taehyung, a picture of jungkook who was sleeping beside him.  the caption was way too inappropriate for a twenty seven year old to be saying, in jimin's opinion, but then again, taehyung and jungkook hadn't always been the most mature couple.  

after sending a good morning text to his mother, reminding her he'd call her tonight, jimin made his way to his closet, getting dressed before yoongi would come back and use the space himself.  they had separate wardrobes, mainly because yoongi's mostly black clothing was so sparse in comparison to jimin's bright array of clothes that filled up a whole closet on their own.  jimin ran a hand through his hair before he made his way into his kitchen.  

''hey.''  jimin said, wrapping his arms around yoongi, who was flipping pancakes on the frying pan.  their kids were sitting on stools near the bench, comparing their hair that yoongi had styled.  it always made jimin laugh when he thought about yoongi, who still wore combat boots and ripped jeans, styling a giggling jiha's hair.  

''hey, baby.''  yoongi replied, leaning back into jimin's embrace.  jimin breathed in his scent.  still the same as when they met.  remembering those days made jimin smile.  ''what's up?'' 

jimin just shook his head in reply to yoongi question.  ''nothing.  i just love you so much.''  

yoongi smiled at this, and turned around, wrapping his arms properly around jimin's waist.  jimin was still slim from continuing dance teaching.  yoongi wouldn't care either way.  he loved jimin too much to worry about trivial things like body weight.  

''i love you too.''  yoongi said, his whole chest full of happiness as jimin's hair flashed fluro pink.  he leaned in to give yoongi a kiss, and as he did, he couldn't remember ever feeling more in love.  

''daddy, the stove's on fire!''  siwoo shouted, and jimin groaned as yoongi broke from the kiss to turn off the gas.  yoongi was laughing at jimin, who looked upset that his moment had been ruined.  but as he saw his children giggling at the TV, and felt yoongi's arm around his waist, he was so thankful for the life he'd been given.  he couldn't imagine it any other way.  



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