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''baby! i just met your dad, he's coming now, please, seriously, don't get hurt.  i'm sorry to cut this short but i need to warn my mom, i'm just begging you, stay safe, i love you.''  

yoongi stared at his phone after the voicemail ended.  his hand felt numb from holding the phone for minutes on end, even though the message was a rushed three seconds.  

yoongi almost instantly started panicking.  

he wondered how jimin had met his dad.  wasn't jimin at the library when they were texting him? and he was with taehyung, yoongi knew that.  that meant his dad had followed him.  yoongi growled under his breath as he locked his car and ran into his house.  his work uniform was still on, and yoongi ignored the shouts from hoseok as he rushed to his room.  

''what are you doing?  yoongi?''  hoseok asked, standing in the door way. he was shirtless, his girlfriend beside him.  yoongi threw a shirt at hoseok and turned to face them.  

''my dad's on his way.  he was talking to jimin before.  he's going to come to our place and i don't know what he'll do to jimin's house.  he's insane, seok.''  yoongi said, desperate as he pulled his own hair in frustration.  jieun stepped into the room.  

''look, i'll go home and protect our place.  mom taught me more hexes than she did for jimin, so it'll be fine.  besides, i have my boots with the metal plates at the bottom.''  jieun said, flipping her hair as if she was proud of herself, which made hoseok laugh before he kissed her cheek.  she squeezed his hand then ran off.  yoongi was glad they knew the wizards, and doubly glad hoseok had taken the news well.  

''what're we going to do?''  hoseok asked.  yoongi turned to his chest of drawers.  he opened the bottom one, where all the old things he used to use when he was in a gang resided.  

''give my dad a choice.''  yoongi said, taking out a hand gun that was hidden under a blue blanket.  he riffled around for a magazine before hoseok handed him one.  ''where's this from?''

''my own drawer.''  hoseok said, and yoongi remembered his best friend's past.  it was easy to forget, with a smile like hoseok's.  it blinded out the crazed, violent side he got whenever the energy kicked in.  

''thanks.''  yoongi replied, putting all the pieces together and handing hoseok his own gun before standing up, hiding the object in the waist band of his jeans as he kicked the drawer closed.  

''so, what's his choices?''  hoseok asked, and yoongi shrugged.  

''leave jimin and i alone, and move to a different country, or we take other measures.''  yoongi said, and hoseok shrugged, grabbing a cookie off the bench as they walked through the kitchen to the front yard.  

''i like both options.''  hoseok said, and yoongi laughed at his response as they both made their way to yoongi's car, sitting in the vehicle to await the arrival of his father.  



jimin hurriedly rushed out of the library, taehyung running behind him, as they followed yoongi's dad from a safe distance.  

''jimin, he told you to stay here!" taehyung said, and jimin rolled his eyes.  

''really? are you a pussy or what? i'm not staying back while he tries to hurt yoongi.''  jimin said, bringing the phone to his ear.  he'd already called yoongi, and had left a voicemail.  he hoped his boyfriend had heard it.   jimin scrolled down his contacts, calling his mother next.  

''hey, jimin!''

''hey, mom.  look, don't come home, okay, not yet.''  

''why not?''

''because, there's a man trying to hurt yoongi and i-''

''what, jimin! i'll come there and sort it out.'' 

''no, mom, seriously, i've got it under control.''

''jimin, you've never punched anyone.''  

''that doesn't matter! just, look, i've got it sorted, stay at work for another two hours at least.  i'll call you when i can.''

''jimin, don't hang up on me! what's going on, seriou-''

jimin put his phone in his pocket, feeling bad that he'd hung up, but he knew he had to.  his mother would probably come down anyway.  he didn't ponder it too much, he just readjusted the bag on his shoulder and grabbed taehyung's hand, pulling him into a jog as yoongi's father made his way down their street.  


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