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''come on, for me.''

''i said, no.''

''i'll buy you sprite.''


yoongi smiled at hoseok's answer and nodded, turning to his wardrobe to get out what he called 'patrol outfits'.

''don't you think it's a bit weird to be watching your neighbor every day?''  hoseok asked, and yoongi shrugged.  

''not when he acts so strange.  i already told you how he wanted my number.  i want to know why.''  yoongi said, and hoseok sighed.  

''i told you he has a thing for you.''  the younger said, and yoongi sighed. 

''he doesn't.''  he said, pulling on his black clothing, throwing the same outfit to hoseok.  

''yes, he totally does.  he goes bright pink when you even just wave.''  hoseok said, and yoongi shrugged.  

''maybe he has a skin condition.''  yoongi said, and hoseok groaned, giving up as he changed.  

''look, just accept that he likes you and move on.  so what he wanted your number? i'm sure lots of sexually confused sixteen year olds do.''  hoseok said, and yoongi didn't bother to reply, he just focused on organizing what he needed.  

once again, the pair were situated in yoongi's bedroom.  it was thursday, so yoongi doubted that jimin would be making noises tonight.  the wall hadn't shaken once, and through the glass, yoongi could see jimin sitting on his bed, looking at his phone.  he laughed at the screen every couple of minutes.  it made yoongi smile.  

since taehyung had asked yoongi for his number at the cafe, the day had been filled with yoongi wanting to know why jimin got it.  maybe he was going to prank yoongi for seeing him, or maybe he would kidnap him and do weird shit to his body.  

but no, that seemed highly unlikely, yoongi thought as he watched jimin make kissy faces at his phone screen, his peachy hair a mess on his head.

''i don't even get why you care so much about this kid.''  hoseok said, and yoongi rolled his eyes.  

''stop complaining and hurry up.  it's four o'clock right now; we only have an hour until soekjin gets home.''  yoongi said, and hoseok got up off the floor and followed him outside, grumbling as he went.  

''what are we even doing?'' hoseok said, standing in the grass in the front lawn with his arms crossed, looking up and down the street as if jimin would be standing around. 

''jimin's friends go to his place every thursday night for dinner with his mum.''  yoongi said, and hoseok laughed.  

''you've been stalking this kid?  what the fuck?'' 

''no, i've simply been inquiring.  he answers all my questions, on the few occasions that we've spoken.  and i see them coming here at four thirty-ish every thursday, anyway.  it's routine.''  yoongi said, and hoseok sighed, sinking into a seated position on the grass.  his clothing was normal, but dark in color due to yoongi's choosing, and sun was making it heat up.

''so, what's the plan?''  he said, giving up his skepticism of yoongi's reasoning.  yoongi was weird like that; he got obsessive over things for a few months until it died out.  hoseok was sure that this would be no exception. 

''well, as soon as taehyung and jungkook come over, you need to talk to them.  then, i'll wait with my binoculars to see how jimin get's the door open, considering there's no handle or lock on it.  then, i'll come up to you, and we can all chat, making sure to watch jimin's mannerisms in case something is off.''  yoongi said, and hoseok shrugged.  

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