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it took less than ten hours for namjoon to occupy the spare bedroom as if it was his own, his expanding case fitting everything from his london dormitory into the small, single bed bedroom in just one trip.  the older boy was currently lounging on his new bed, tired from the travel he'd endured to get to jimin's house.  jimin felt partially guilty; but then again, he didn't, because no way was namjoon allowed to miss his next birthday, which was coming up fairly soon.  seventeen was a big deal for people like jimin.  maybe, at seventeen, his mark would fade and he'd be able to speak to yoongi without his hair turning into cotton candy. 

the thing with jimin was that because of his 'condition' everything was heightened.  like felt like love, love felt like euphoria, happiness felt like ecstasy.  sadness felt like depression, anxiety felt like a constant panic attack.  jimin loved being who he was, but some days he couldn't face the people who made him nervous.  

and that was why he was currently inside namjoon's new room, watching the tall man sleep in a not-so-creepy way whilst trying to stop his hair from changing shades.  he would never admit to anyone, except maybe namjoon, that he was secretly avoiding his neighbor.  and his bedroom.  watching yoongi get changed every morning was not helping his case of nerves. 

jimin knew that if he admitted to yoongi what his problem was, it would vanish.  jimin hated to lie, and he hated to hide things from those he cared for.  yoongi definitely fit that category now. the last person jimin had felt this way over was jungkook, when the younger was twelve and jimin was fourteen and sorting out his sexuality that jungkook was sure of even at a young age.  jimin didn't get crushes.  he flirted, sure.  but no one stuck.  he loved and hated how much yoongi was sticking.  

jimin sighed, rubbing a hand over his face in fatigue.  his recent travels to and from his weekend classes were wearing him out, even if jungkook and taehyung had been assigned the same class.  the three had known each other for a long time.  their families were all connected when they all lived in busan, and now having moved to seoul, where jungkook and taehyung had moved a few years prior, jimin was able to be reconnected with them.  jimin knew people who were meant to be together would find a way back to each other.  jimin believed in destiny and fate. it was hard not to, when sparks flew from your fingers and your hair flashed colors. 

jimin took another look at a peaceful namjoon before standing up.  he stretched, his white t-shirt lifting a bit from the waistband of his light blue ripped jeans.  jimin walked from the spare room to the kitchen, his house smelling of lavender.  that meant his mother was making another one of her favorite teas, which happened to be jimin's least favorite.  

''morning, mom.''  jimin said, wrapping his arms around his short, plump mother, who turned and kissed his cheek.  she smiled, and pointed to a big bowl of purplish liquid.  

'''good morning, baby.  i know you've been stressed over testing lately, so i made some lavender tea.''  his mom said, and jimin sat behind the counter, torn between thanking his mother and throwing the bowl off the counter.  

''i hate lavender.''  jimin said, and his mother laughed, her laugh sounding, as always, like wind chimes in the distance.  ms park's mark wasn't as obvious as jimin's hair; her's was the color of her family ring on her finger.  jimin saw the jewel flash from green to gold as her mood lifted to happiness.  

''i know, but your sore mind loves it.''  she said, and jimin sighed, reaching for a cup of the stuff.  his mother watched him as he lifted it to his lips.  as soon as the mixture hit his tongue he choked, and his mother rolled her eyes.  

''don't be a pussy, jimin.  drink it.'' jimin did as he was told.  he should never had let jungkook tell her the meaning of the word pussy.  

''done, there.''  jimin said, dramatically putting his cup down.  ms park blew him a kiss as she picked the cup up to wash it.  

''thank you.  now your tests won't freak you out as much. i know how anxious you get.''  she said, and jimin grumbled under his breath.  truth be told, he hadn't even thought of his testing.  he knew he'd pass; he'd been practicing vanishing and reappearing spells for the past few months since they've moved in.  no wonder yoongi thought he was weird; the blue light probably made him question jimin's sanity.  

yoongi, that's the real problem, jimin thought, glancing through his kitchen window to see the man in question walking away from his rubbish bin, hoseok jumping around behind him, probably making jokes about yoongi being like the trash in the bin.  the two older boys walked into their house, and jimin sighed as the door closed.  testing had nothing on the things yoongi made jimin feel.  

''or, is it our not-so-new neighbors that are making you anxious?" ms park asked, a knowing, mischievous glint in her eyes that reminded jimin of taehyung.  jimin rolled his eyes and nodded, resting his head on his hand. 

''do you like the one with the blonde hair?  yoongi?'' jimin's mother asked, and jimin looked at her.  was he that good at hiding it?  

''what do you think, mom?  of course i do. i haven't liked anyone this much in years.''  jimin said, and ms park giggled.  she loved talking about boys with her son, which jimin was thankful for, because he did too. 

''well, you know i'm happy for you to be with a human boy.  but make sure you invite him over before any funny business happens, understand?  he needs to understand that i know two hundred different hexes and i'm not afraid to make his skin green and lumpy if he ever hurts you.''  ms park said, and jimin rolled his eyes.  

''this is exactly why i wouldn't want him over.''  jimin said.  ms park laughed again, her stone constantly flashing gold.  

''one dinner won't hurt him.  besides, i want him to try my legendary cooking.'' ms park said, and jimin laughed, telling her about jin's cooking, and then drifting onto his human high school food economics class, ms park laughing and making jokes through their breakfast.  jimin kept the dinner idea in mind.  

one dinner with yoongi and his mother couldn't be too terrible, right? 


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