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yoongi's father hadn't always been psycho.  when he'd gotten arrested for robbery when yoongi was still in high school, he was quite nice.  when yoongi had visited him in prison, he was tolerable.  soon enough, he'd demanded yoongi had to stop visiting him.  yoongi had complied, easily at that.  he'd never been close to his father.  he'd never really liked him too much.  he wanted yoongi to become an accountant, or an economist, 'something with a secure future' his father had said.  yoongi thought it was bullshit.  a secure future meant nothing if you weren't happy in it.  

his father had never liked the idea of yoongi being bisexual, either.  his dad had seen the boys yoongi would hang around with at school; his friends, mostly.  but what about the boys that came and left from the group? the ones with sweet smiles and broken hearts by the end of the relationship? the ones who showed up at the min household once or twice, and then were never seen again, but always left the house with a hickey?  yoongi knew his dad wasn't stupid.  his dad had seen the girls, too.  but that didn't stop yoongi.  he had never been afraid of his sexuality, just his father's reaction.  

his dad had never seen the blades, either.  the oldest min family member didn't believe in what he hadn't seen before.  a career in rap? nonsense.  a family with a man? bullshit.  not being able to get out of bed because you were sad that you'd actually woken up and not died in your sleep?  min sejun hadn't experienced it, so that meant that depression wasn't real.  yoongi knew his father's view, of course.  he knew his dad had always had it easy.  he'd never pressed a blade to his thigh, never stayed up until five am thinking about why he was alive, never ran out of school because he desperately felt like the whole world was crashing down while he was in that suffocating space.  yoongi always hated his dad when he thought back on all the wrong things the man had done.  he'd forgiven him a million times.  the time his dad smashed the laptop he'd saved up to buy.  the time his dad had punched his ex-boyfriend, when he wasn't even sure if the poor kid was yoongi's boyfriend.  yoongi thought about all of this now, years after they'd happened.  yoongi was sure he would never let his father in his house or near jimin ever again.  

yoongi sighed as he thought about this, throwing the phone he had been holding onto the bed spread beside him.  after he'd cleaned their house, hoseok had come back from jimin's, and had spent ages talking to yoongi about what had happened.  

''don't forget, you aren't the only one who used to be hood.''  hoseok had said, gesturing with one arm to the bottom drawer in his bedroom, where yoongi knew hoseok's old guns and knives were, the ones he hadn't used in at least five years.  

''we're not killing him, not until he crosses the last line.''  yoongi said.  he really didn't want to kill his dad.  he hadn't killed anyone before, not even when he was in a gang at high school when he was fourteen.  all he'd done back then was hit people and maybe stab someone when they were in a fight.  but he would never kill someone.  

''what's the last line then, because i'll force him to cross it if it means getting rid of him.''  hoseok said, and yoongi rolled his eyes.  

''don't make him hurt jimin, hobi.''  yoongi had said, and hoseok had nodded.  he knew better than to do that.  

now yoongi was alone again, lying on bed, thinking over his previous conversation.  he wouldn't kill his dad.  he couldn't. how would be any better than the man himself if he had murdered him?  yoongi knew that wasn't morally right.  what would jimin say?  yoongi shook his head thinking about it, glancing to the clock on the bed side table.  6.36 PM.  shit, yoongi thought.  he had to be at jimin's in half an hour.  

yoongi got ready for jimin's as quickly as possible, trying to block out the thoughts of his father as he did.  he didn't want his dad to ruin his happiness with jimin.  it was the one thing in yoongi's life he was 100% sure he didn't want to end.  


yoongi stood outside of jimin's front door, ignoring the waving hoseok that was standing on his own house's porch.  yoongi had never been this dressed up in front of jimin.  it wasn't much; no silver chains, no rings, no rips in his jeans, no edgy swear words on his hoodie.  he was wearing a black button up, faded black skinny jeans and black converse, the new ones that didn't have rips in the canvas.  yoongi felt weird without the familiar weight of jewellery on his body, but he ignored it.  he just hoped jimin's mother wouldn't be too upset with the small hand tattoos he had, even though she'd met him a thousand times.  he knew mothers were usually more aware when they were interrogating their child's partner at dinner.  yoongi briefly regretted his tattoo of 'fuck the system' in japnese that was done on the inside of his ring finger.  hopefully ms park didn't know the language.  

yoongi knocked on the door after a deep breath, and before he could contemplate running away, a small 'i said i'd fucking get it!' was heard from behind the door in what sounded like a korean dialect before the door was swung open, a small jimin standing behind it, holding his wand looking wizard stick that yoongi didn't trust as he smiled. 

''yoongi! you look so handsome.  i should've dressed up too.''  jimin said, his cheeks flushing at he looked at yoongi, who felt his confidence swell at the compliment.  

''you look good, jimin.''  yoongi commented, taking in jimin's appearance.  his hair was the light shade of pink it often was when yoongi complimented him, and he had on light wash skinny jeans and a white t shirt.  yoongi thought the jeans were too tight to be entierlycomfortable, but he wasn't complaining with how good jimin's thighs looked in them.  

''jimin? is that yoongi?''  yoongi heard, and then ms park was standing behind her son, hair in a messy bun as her plump figure welcomed yoongi inside with literal open arms and a warm smile.  yoongi wished, absentmindedly, as he was engulfed in a hug, that he had been raised in a household like this. maybe he wouldn't have gotten japense swear words tattooed if he had been. 


my spelling is so bad omg 

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