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november was jimin's least favorite month of the year, mainly because finals were on and he always stressed out more than he needed to.  being a junior, the pressure was more intense than his previous years of schooling; jimin dreaded to think of what would come the year after his current one.  

jimin sighed as he rested his head in his hands, observing the books strewn before him.  he was currently in the library with taehyung, the two of them trying their best to focus on the words in front of them.  jimin could feel his eyes glaze over in lost patience as the words became fuzzy in front of him.  his korean text book seemed to mock him as he slowly considered dropping out.  

''you look like you want to die.''  taehyung said, his eyes bemused as he read his own trigonometry book.  taehyung was lucky in the way that he was good at school work; jimin was good with world knowledge.   

''because i fucking do,''  jimin said.  it was currently november 27th, and jimin missed yoongi, because he hadn't seen him for four days.  they were both caught up with things; jimin had exams and studying left right and center, and yoongi had more shifts for the pre-christmas rush period.   even though they lived next door, little more than a wave as yoongi pulled out of the drive way was exchanged.  jimin felt his heart ache every time he thought of it.  

''stop thinking about yoongi,''  taehyung said, and jimin shot him a glare, pushing his pink hair out of his eyes.  

''shut up.''  he said.  his glasses were on his nose as he put his attention back down on the book, he and taehyung falling silent.  jimin chose to focus on the deantrbl song that was playing through his earphones instead, the words on the page not even bothered to be read. 

after an hour of jimin pretending to make progress, someone cleared their throat from behind jimin.  jimin turned, seeing a man holding a book.  jimin curiously raised a brow.  he knew the man needed help, and he looked friendly enough.  

''excuse me, i was wondering if you know where the kids section is? the signage in here is so bad.''  the man said, laughing a bit at the end.  jimin agreed, honestly.  the only reason he'd come to the library to study instead of staying at home was because of taehyung.  jimin didn't like how he wasn't allowed to laugh in the library.  

''sure, i'll show you.''  jimin said, standing up and walking beside the man.  jimin looked at him in his peripheral vision; the man was quite handsome, in an older type of way.  he had on causal clothes, and was holding the book close to his chest, as if nervous of something.  jimin didn't ponder it for too long, just gave the man a smile as they neared the kids section. 

''thank you, ah, what's your name?''  the man asked, a kind smile on as he faced a nervous looking jimin.  jimin liked strangers, but he didn't like talking to adults too much.  

''jimin, sir.''  jimin replied, and the mans face broke into a grin that had alarm bells ringing in jimin's head.  

''perfect. '' the man said, and just as jimin was about to leave and scream about stranger danger, the man put a hand on his thin wrist.  ''look, park jimin, i need to you to stay here for five more hours.''  

jimin was taken aback.  he snatched his hand away, shocked at the movement, and how the man knew his full name.  ''what? who are you?''

''i'm no one important, but i will be to you if you don't do as i say.''  the man said, picking at his hands as he casually spoke, as if he wasn't threatening a minor.  

''why do i have to stay here?'' jimin asked.  he was so confused.  something was ringing in the back of his mind, something he felt he should've remembered, but he couldn't remember it now, when he was so scared.  

''because, if you don't, my son won't be the only one who ends up with a bullet in his head.''  the man said, and jimin gasped.  no way was this man, a wreck of a human with a put together and attractive face, could be his yoongi's dad.  jimin thought about it.  yoongi did warn him.  

''you won't hurt him.''  jimin said, and the man laughed.  

''what're you going to do? you're just a fucking faggot, i mean, seriously, you have a pink sweater on, and you think you're threatening me?''  jimin felt his blood boil, and he curled his hands into fists.  he resisted the urge to call yoongi or shout for taehyung.  he could defend himself on his own.  

''fuck you.  who the fuck do you think you are?  don't threaten me or my boyfriend, and don't call me a fucking faggot, you bitch.''  jimin said, feeling a sweep of pride through himself as he watched mr min's face contort with anger and confusion.  jimin put his hand in his pocket casually.  the knife yoongi had given him a week ago felt cool against his fingers.  jimin wouldn't hurt someone, but he was so close to doing so.  

''look, park, i'm going to go get my son and offer him a deal.  if you don't stay here, i won't hesitate to break into your house, and my actions will go from there.  do not follow me.''  mr min said, and he turned and left,  leaving a shocked and scared jimin in his wake.  


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