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the next day, yoongi was lying on the grass in his front yard at four o'clock.  he usually didn't stay outside much, but it was almost the end of the warm weather, fall in full swing.  he was trying to soak up the last rays that he could, while he had the chance.  

he had his phone near one ear, listening to his mother laugh about something.  he missed her.  yoongi wasn't really involved with his mother's life, which had never really bothered him.  she'd been absent throughout his high school days, and now, when he was reaching twenties, she hardly ever called, and he didn't either.  that worked for them, though.  yoongi knew he was an accidental baby.  he'd never been too upset about it.  

yoongi wished his mother a good day before she hung up the phone.  when she did, yoongi let himself drift off into a near-sleep, his blonde hair splayed over the grass, his jean-clad legs stretched out. he put his arms under his head as he dozed off.  

and then it was ruined, fifteen minutes later, by a small giggle from above yoongi's body.  

''you're going to get burnt, you're so white.'' 

yoongi opened his eyes to see peach hair, pink lips, crescent eyes, and blue jean shorts with a grey hoodie.  

jimin smiled as yoongi's eyes dilated as they adjusted to the brightness.  

''you're not much darker.''  yoongi said, pulling himself up into a seated position as jimin flopped down next to him, resting his back against his school bag.  yoongi would usually tell people to fuck off if they sat uninvited beside him.  but he didn't mind this time. 

''i'm tan, you're the color of ice cold milk.''  jimin said, laughing as he ran a hand through his hair.  yoongi tried not to watch the movement too closely.  

''yeah, well, it suits me.  i like the sexy vampire look.''  yoongi said, and jimin laughed again, his puffy lips stretching into a joyful, honest smile.  

''i can't say i disagree, with that one.'' jimin said, his playfully flirty side coming out once again.  yoongi tried to ignore the way it made his stomach rush. 

''so how was school?" yoongi asked, and jimin shrugged, picking up a daisy from the grass.  he twirled it as he replied. 

''it was okay.  jungkook set the table on fire in science.  taehyung ate a pencil. this girl, mary, she asked me out.''  jimin said, and although yoongi thought that seemed like a pretty intense day, compared to his own high school ones, jimin seemed unfazed.  

''what'd you say?''  yoongi asked, and jimin smirked.  



''sure.  well, i said no anyway.''  jimin said, ripping the petals off the flower.  yoongi laughed.  

''why?''  he asked, and jimin grinned, looking towards the sky.  

''because i'm gay as fuck.''  he said, and yoongi laughed, the bluntness of his statement making it funnier.  

''and she didn't know?''  yoongi asked, and jimin shrugged.  

''she does now, i guess.  but anyway, enough about me.  how was your day?''  he asked, and yoongi closed his eyes, falling back to lying down.  

''it was boring. work, then a lecture at college.  then i called my mom, and now i'm here.  no one ate pencils or asked me out, today.''  yoongi said, and jimin giggled.  

''that's sweet, calling your mom. why don't you guys live together, if you don't mind my asking?" jimin said, and yoongi felt his stomach rush again.  he'd probably give jimin an answer if he'd asked him about his porn habits.  he felt like he couldn't say no to him.  

''she lives in deagu.  i moved to new york with my dad at the start of high school, and i guess my mother and i drifted.  now i'm back at seoul.''  yoongi said, trying to ignore the way his heart constricted at the thought of his parents being so far away, even if they weren't close emotionally.  jimin seemed to understand his emotions, because he grabbed yoongi's hand and squeezed it.  

''you must miss them,''  the younger boy said, glancing at his own home, probably thinking about how much he'd miss his own mother.  

''yeah,''  yoongi said, and sighing.  ''it comes and goes.''  that was the easiest truth, to spare the details of gangs and robberies and endless arguments that came with yoongi's past. 

jimin nodded in understanding.  ''one of my closest friends lives in a different country.  i went to elementary school with him, and he moved after we started high school.  i wish we were together.  it always feels cold when i remember how far away he is.''  

yoongi felt sympathy towards the younger, whose hair seemed to drain of color as his face drained of joy.  it was probably the light, yoongi thought.  

''i'm sorry, for that.  you can still call him, right?''   yoongi suggested, and jimin seemed to remember to be happy at the sound of yoongi's words.  he snapped out of the trance, his face going back to it's normal, happy expression.  

''yeah, i do.  every wednesday and sunday.''  jimin said, and yoongi's head snapped up.  so that was who jimin was talking to.  some kid in another country.  he really wanted to ask why jimin had made those noises while on the phone, why he seemed so angry.  but when he saw jimin's nostalgic expression, he didn't want to break the moment.  he let his queries slide. 

''well, at least you have that.''  yoongi said, not sure what to say.  jimin looked down at him, and smiled.  his hair looked peachy again.  

''yeah, true.  thank you for listening, yoongi.''  jimin said, letting go of yoongi's hand as he stood up.  yoongi sat up, too, and climbed to his feet.  

''no problem.  i enjoyed talking to you.''  yoongi admitted, and jimin's face split into a huge smile that yoongi almost imagined his retinas burning from the brightness of it.  it was the sun on steroids when jimin smiled.  

''i enjoy talking to you, too!  hopefully we see each other outside more often.''  jimin said, and he gave yoongi a quick hug good bye before skipping off to his house, tapping the door once before it swung open.  

as yoongi walked back to his own house, he realized he'd be spending a lot of time outside this weekend.  


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