Alive or dead?

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•800 words•

Gerard's dead. is all that she could think about his body paler if that was possible and getting demolished by the hoard of people stomping on him.
Frank had gotten himself in the middle of the pit elbows smashing against his jaw and neck causing blood to spurt out spitting at people, he grabbed onto Gerard's arm and began to shove backwards until he fell the people slowly engulfing them back into the pit.
She watched them struggle many times suddenly she felt something pinch her neck she swat at it a few times, moments later her neck began to burn she turned around a hand came across her mouth and she was shoved into a van behind her the vans door closed abruptly.
She hit her head onto the wooden floor of the back it was very large for a van a couple of men in gas masks sat in the two seats up front, she suddenly realized she was getting kidnapped and banged against the glass trying to get franks attention.
They sped off the tires squalling, frank heard the noise and glanced where she had been and she was gone mortified, he grabbed Gerard and tugged on his arms trying to get him to move he grabbed his biceps and dragged him across the cement to their van he shoved Gerard in there and slapped him multiple times "you fucking prick!" He spat at Gerard and ran off to chase the van that she was in.
He ran tears escaping his eyes afraid of what they were doing to her he knew he shouldn't have left her out of his sight not even for a millisecond,he knew who was kidnapping her but didn't want to admit it he ran faster he bowed his head and ran faster the dark van in his sight his hands began to tingle his eyes were burning he focused on the van not letting it fall away.
He smacked the side of his head trying to slap it out of him then his body was thrown up into the air he twisted and turned afraid once again he curled up in a ball screaming, he clutched his sides becoming sick.
His fell his body landing hard onto the wooden floor inside the van, he opened his eyes to see her frightened and wide eyed.
He shuffled and grabbed her hand he opened up the back and ran out he made her hop onto his back and he ran far away back to the van and once he got there he would sure as hell get the fuck out of Arizona and never come back.

Once he reached the van she hopped off of franks back and saw the crowd laying on the ground their head slips open and laying a couple feet away from their necks.
She knew they needed to get out of there, fast, she tugged on franks shirt "hang on!" He growled looking for the medical supplies they kept.
She saw a figure emerge from the body's a one with a gas mask as well she shuddered a sudden fear boiled inside her she tugged harshly onto franks jeans causing him to fall and see the people laying on the ground their eyes rolled back in their heads blood falling out their mouths.
He grabbed her hand and shoved her in to the truck she placed Gerard's head in her lap his now white hair in whispers on his four head foam covering his mouth, he'd taken something he shouldn't have.
Frank put the truck and reverse and slammed on the gas making the truck whir he turned and head to la wanting to get to the damn wedding and end it all.
He felt her hand touch his thigh as a reminder she okay, he stared at the hazy world in front of him.
It began to rain the rain made it cold Gerard's blood ran colder than normal, she began to take off her jacket and wrap it around him for warmth his scars showing every time he got shot.
Frank lit a cigarette and rolled down the window trying to relive the burnt up energy, "he's a bad guy, he's trying to kill you first best be damn if he does" Frank growled in disgust what type of shitty fucked up person do you have to be in order to kill an innocent girl.
He chuckled at how fucked up the man was behind this how he made everyone's lives a living hell, he was going to murder all of them for sure, yes, but he's never going to even lay a finger on her.
The man who helped the experiments on him and Gerard his knuckles turn white at the pressure of gripping the steering wheel.
He was going to kill Ben moody.

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